Reasons why I should be elected to Congress August 25 2011

Day 1,347, 20:41 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

The Reasons:

1: I am an active player.

2: In the 93 days that I have been playing this game, I've reached level 24[near level 25 now],ranked commander**, I have 3 hard working achievements, 4 super-soldier achievements, my own political party since day 1300 of the new world, the Revolutionary Party, which currently has 8 members, five of which were recruited into the game by me[I've also recruited 3 other people to the game, one of which sadly became a dead citizen, and the other is not at high enough level to join a party yet, and he gave up on playing]. Also I've written other articles for this paper, and have made the party policy that this paper is open to articles by other members of my party who do not wish to buy their own papers, but might want to write an article.

3: I will do whatever I can to help eUSA, because I feel if you see a problem, you cannot just point it out, you must take the steps to correct it yourself, and not hope someone else will.

4: I speak my mind against that which I feel is wrong, even to the point that it sometimes gets me in trouble, but failing to do so would be a blow against my own character and against all that makes this country great.

5: noting my tendency to speak out, that leads to conflict, I will say that over all I can work with others to get things done, as we of the eUSA can come together to defend our land, because we can make things better, and we will.

6: Lastly the sooner I get it, the less annoying I'll be down the road about getting in for the first time, because I must prove myself, and I must win things, it is in my nature to do so, and to accept anything less would be an personal failure.

Above our my reasons, and I leave you with this quote:

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." RFK