Rearden for Congress

Day 370, 16:29 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

With the polls opening in a few hours, its time to campaign! So I am going to gloat about what I have done in the past couple months of activity and the like.

For those of you who don't know, I am Canada's Deputy Prime Minister, I work very closely with Tantis on matters of internal policy, (the economy, industry, social services etc) and also am Minister of Finance.

Tantis and I ran on a platform of working to return the economy to a healthy equilibrium and though things are dark now they are getting better. The issues we face now are far less severe then those we faced at the start of the last congressional term.

I am also a member of congress and have worked with Michel Junior and other congressional leaders to implement policies for eCanada.

I am currently one of two Administrators for the eCanada forums (I encourage everyone to register if they haven't already and sign in as a citizen)

I will listen to those around me but stick to my guns when they need sticking to and will work for all canadians to usher in a Novermber/December of peace and prosperity.