Real Change is possible, but not easy

Day 1,441, 11:24 Published in Canada Canada by Rigour6

50 days have passed since last I posted an article. I think this is testament to what has happened to my energy to advocate for change in our community. I don't claim it reflects well on me.

Politics is the art of the possible, and too often we are asked to chose between various degrees of scoundrel. No matter whom one supports, you feel like you should take a shower afterwards.

Why are things like this? Well, there are a number of reasons. One is that through a combination of multis and cronyism, certain players will perpetually be part of our political processes. It only takes a few people to halt progress, to confuse the issue, to coat everything in a thin layer of character assassination, misinformation, and scum. The silent majority despairs of things changing so we tune out, or just go on about our business.

I have in the past laid forth a couple of suggestions for how things might be changed. We have a vermin problem, and we lack the tools to exterminate them. We must therefore concentrate on removing the things that attract vermin, specifically their food.

To the degree to which eCanada is a kleptocracy, we have alternatives. I begin by stating in the clearest possible terms that a government which is not for the people, but instead for the narrow gain of those inside the government, is not a legitimate government, and that we would be better served by no government at all. In terms of decreasing the food that attracts vermin, I continue to believe that the nation should lower all taxes to 1%. This will empower the citizens, make the country attractive to immigrants, and deprive the flames of avarice the fuel they need.

Unless and until structures can be created which give better guarantees of integrity, openness, and accountability, let players be self-reliant. At the very least, we will have decreased the amount which our so-called nation steals from its citizens. Contrary to popular belief, this would not mean the end of military units. Rather, it would require those units to be self-reliant, and for those who benefit from them to contribute to them. Or not. Let each eCanadian make that decision for themselves, without coercion.

Another measure would be to "Deposit" long-term savings with prominent eCanadians. We would seek to minimize risk by separating our eggs into different baskets. Yes, some thefts might result, but it would be clear where the responsibility lay. No claims of moles or shenanigans.

Another measure would be to require all elected officials to donate the 5 gold they earn as an in-game reward to the public treasury. Again, remove the incentive for people to run for the money. And create a nest egg budget with which the Congress could decide upon treaties and programs - only now they'd be using their own money, not ours.

None of these "solutions" would "cure" the problem. But things could be better. At the very least, it would become clearer by player's actions who was a true teammate and who was just playing the rest of us.

SR Volume 32, Number 1