Re-Election Speech

Day 543, 23:34 Published in Singapore USA by Relorian

Greetings fellow eSingaporiens,

The time for elections has once again come around and I, your faithful servant, have found that I would like to continue my political goals here in our country.

Below is my platform, Its a little different from my parties official one but I also feel that we shape the party.

1. Taxes

The more I read from Jewitt, the more I find faith in his wisdom. In accordance with this, I will be voting YES for a majority of the changes. I can promise you however, I am NOT going to rubber stamp them just because they are proposed. I will review each measure carefully and then vote according to my own morals and feelings.

2. Transparency.

This has recently become a HUGE deal thanks to people like tingmel who feel that they should have 100% access to everything. Frankly, there are some things citizens do not need to know or see until its finalized and ready to be deployed into the general public. Some ideas are best left in private and away from those who may over-react just from seeing the idea.

I will however maintain my Open Door policy. If someone has an Issue or a Question, they are more than free to ask me and I will give them a frank answer that is the truth. The only execption is if it would violate national security. Honestly, if you have questions, please ASK me.

3. Military
With the news of the overhauling of the military, I feel its time to evaluate how we get the goods to our boys in uniform. Several Ideas for cheap raw materials have come up and are in the works to that we can provide rather cheap weapons for our fighting men and women.

Honestly, That is ALL i can think of at the moment. I hope you have faith in me to continue doing my job here for the eSingapore people. I make you this promise. If elected, I will NOT leave office early and will infact run again if it is the will of the people. I am here to be your servant and do right by all of us.

Remember, Vote for Relorian. I've done a good job so far and wish to continue doing a good job for all of us.