Re-elect witherd1 for Senate - Northern Territory

Day 1,585, 20:22 Published in Australia Australia by witherd1

It's that time again, time for us all to scramble for votes to get ourselves re-elected into Senate. I once again put my plea out to the people of this great nation, to lend me your support.

This term saw some older faces return to Senate, and like any term in Senate, there were ups and downs and accusations being thrown around everywhere. During the term many have preferred to attack fellow Senators, try and bring their colleagues down, rather than tackling the real issues at hand.

This term I got stuck into getting all remaining Acts reaffirmed or Amended where needed, and most Acts are now current under our Constitution. I was also fortunate enough to have been appointed Deputy Speaker by Speaker Binda33. It has been a fantastic experience for me to get involved first hand as a Speaker, and learn the ropes from one of the most experienced Speakers in the game. If re-elected, I plan to run for Speaker and work toward cleaning up Senate even more, try and get all Senators focused on business, and promote a good relationship between Senate and Cabinet, to help the Nation run smoother with more teamwork.

If you wish to see a committed, hard working Senator on the Senate floor, one that will continue to work on the Legislation of this Country until it is solid unwavering Law, without loopholes and vague phrases, then vote for me this election day.

I am, as always, happy for anyone to send me a message with any questions you may have for me, or to simply discuss what I aim to achieve in Senate. I want more than just your vote, I want you to put your faith in me, to get things done. I wont disappoint you.

This month I am running under Australian Betterment Coalition. I believe their goals and morals to be right and just, and a good fit with my own. Once again, I will also stress how active I am, I love this game, I love being a part of Senate, and that is reflected in the time I spend working in Senate.

On the 25th - NT>ABC>witherd1