Re-elect Bristel Akina in Dublin!

Day 885, 15:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

Dia duit, mo chairde,
Hello, my friends,

I have mulled over the time I spent as TD this last month, and I have decided to run again.

There was a lot that has happened this month, and definitely more coming up in the next month, and I believe that I have what it takes to help eIreland weather the storm.

Here is a resumé for people that like to read titles and jobs:

eUSA Ambassador to eMexico [former]
Teachta Dála of Dublin [current]
eIreland Ambassador to eMexico [current]
eIreland Ambassador to ePeru [current]
eIreland Ambassador to eParaguay [current]

I'm running on the same basic platform as last time, but with one major difference:

I plan to invite the MoFAs from eMexico, ePeru and eParaguay to a discussion on MPP signing and joining the Brolliance.

I feel that with the current situation in South America, especially after the ALA dissolution, the friendship of those countries could be achieved.

Go raibh maith agat as do chuid tacaíochta!
Thanks for your support!

-Bristel Akina