Rayyyzor for Congress, eSouth Australia in May

Day 1,645, 09:24 Published in Australia Australia by Rayyyzor

My name is Rayyyzor, Ive been playing for bout 3months now and have decided once again to try and run for congress.

This is my third run at congress, and i almost made it in on the first try, so i wanna give it another go, so i can do my best to represent my fellow eAustralians

I can offer a fresh outlook on current issues, especially as so many existing Senators are to busy fighting each other to pay attention to what the voters need. If elected I'll do my best to improve things for eAustralians.

As stated elsewhere by my Party President, I believe that in-game functions cannot be usurped by a country forum. "What Plato allows, no external forum can inhibit." Any forum legislation that purports to do this is totally invalid. I will never participate in any witch-hunt of a Senator who acts on his or her own.

However, we also have a hard working government, which produces much useful information relating to our life in eRepublik and our national security. I strongly support this work and believe that Senators should voluntarily respect our immigration processes. It is also simple common sense to follow Senate procedures where possible.

That's all for now and I look forward to being able to represent you all in the Senate, and therefore ask for your support on election day

Candidate of eSouth Australia,
Australian Betterment Coalition