rastari's manifesto episode 1: The fun begins

Day 494, 09:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by rastari

I am rastari, current umofa and vice party president of the Peoples Communist Party and I have decided to place myself in the race to become prime minister of this country. This is not a decision I take light heartedly and if I didn't believe I could do a good job I would not run.

The reason I think I could do a good job as prime minister is because I'm worth it! catchphrases from TV adverts aside, I have qualities which we haven't seen in a candidate in a while, I am an honest, open, down to earth guy who see's this game for what it is, fun. Too many people take this game far to seriously and get annoyed at silly little things (I like to call it Angry German kid Syndrome). This game is about fun, that is what every single piece of legislation and every decision from the prime minister should be for, making the game better for as many people as possible and as soon as somebody forgets this they have lost the point of the game.

Over the next couple of days you will see pieces of my manifesto emerge into the big sea of spam that is the media section and every point of the manifesto will refer to how it will make the game better for the most amount of people.

Now you might be wandering how I could make the game better whereas other candidates could not. Because I am different, I see things differently and I do things differently. I am not going to suddenly create a utopia for the proletariat and make the uk the number 1 economic nation, I am not going to make everybody rich and have lots of ewives, I am not going to make the UK the number 1 fighting force and take over the whole of Europe. Because these things cannot be done in one term and I am therefore not going to promise these things, I will however approach the job in a more open way, I will be more active in public life than previous prime ministers, I will release daily articles and be as ever present on the euk forums(http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php), I will listen to the average citizen more and take into consideration their views, I will most importantly remember that this is a game and that the main goal of the game is too have fun.

Now the more serious bunnies amongst us who get wet over cv's and personal statistics will want to know what I have done so far. In answer to this inevitable question I am the current umofa and vice party president of the pcp as stated previously, I am the former Minister for Migration and Support as well as Minister for Media and Culture in India. I have previously held the position of major in the navy and am a 3 time congressman. I have experience with legislation, foreign affairs and the military. Although my experience in these areas and other areas may not be as great as some I believe that it is more than sufficient, I believe that I have learnt in my time here enough to be a more than capable prime minster and the question should not be about experience but more about what I am going to do and how I am going to run the country, something which shall be explained in the next section of my manifesto.

Now a question which many will ask is, who am I going to appoint as my potential vice president? Well I think the answer to this is obvious, Bob Boblo. Hopefully if we get in he wont try and impeach me. Bob is uber reliable, extremely active and very experienced he is too vp's what Micheal Jackson is too the music industry (no not a paedophile). Ultimately bob is a fun guy who likes to kiss babies, save orphans from burning buildings and rescue kittens from trees. On a more serious note Bob would make a great vp and most probably a great prime minister if he ever decided to run. With me and Bob running together some of the more uptight citizens may question how serious this team is to which we say, Sausage.

*awaits ukrp announcing there undying love and support in the comments section*