Day 1,727, 15:27 Published in Croatia Croatia by Dream Vk

Već se puno raspravljalo o ovome na prošlim mitinzima u Osijeku i želja je nas osječana da napravimo veći miting u Osijeku. Pozvani su svi, bez obzira na narodnost, spol, boju kože i vjeru xD

Na tu ideju došla su TRI MUŠKETIRA (Legica, InChY_is_bAcK i Thanatos_the_Magnificent) xD

Predložili bismo ove datume za ovaj miting:
1. datum 26.08.2012.
2. datum 02.09.2012.
3. datum 09.09.2012.
4. datum 16.09.2012.

Za datum mitinga možete glasat ovdje. Glasanje traje od dana izdavanja članka do 16.08.2012. u 23:59 sati.

Za raspravu na IRCu o ovom mitingu je napravljen i kanal #meeting.os na Rizonu.
Želimo čuti Vaše mišljenje, prijedloge, savjete, reakcije, želje... bilo putem komentara u ovom članku ili na IRC kanalu.

Na mitingu naravno neće nedostajat ničega, bit će roštilja i alkohola i dobre za*ebancije xD

Naravno za sve one koje misle prespavat u Osijeku, molimo ih da napišu u spreadu komentar.

Hvala unaprijed,

P.S. Javite se nekome od tri mušketira 😉

ENG version

Already a lot of discussion about this at the last meetings in Osijek and the desire of Osijek citizens to make bigger the meeting in Osijek. All are invited, regardless of ethnicity, gender, skin color and religion xD

On that idea came to the THREE MUSKETEERS (Legica, InChY_is_bAcK i Thanatos_the_Magnificent) xD

We proposed the dates for this meeting:
1st date of 26th of August, 2012
2nd date of 2nd of September, 2012
3rd date of 9th of September, 2012
4th date of 16th of September, 2012

For the dates meeting you can vote here. Voting runs from the date of issuance of Article to 16th of August 2012 at 23:59 AM.

For a discussion on IRC about this meeting was made channel #meeting.os on Rizon.
We want to hear your thoughts, suggestions, tips, reactions, desires ... either through the comments in this article or on IRC channel.

At the meeting of course, will not miss anything, there will be grilled and alcohol good joke xD

Of course for those who think spending the night in Osijek, please write in a comment in spreadsheets.


P.S. If you have questions, please contact one of the three musketeers xD