Rant from President of eJapan

Day 1,646, 19:17 Published in Japan Japan by Sumeragi Akeiko
Chinese Translation

All eJapanese, stop fighting in the eJapanese or eROK RWs.

Frankly, I had enough of the complete BS that has happened in the past 48 hours. Aside from the fact eROC had taken it for granted that eJapan would listen to its every demands, I'm incensed at how some MU captains have been negligent in keeping the daily orders on the RWs, and also at how people have been fighting millions of influences. This is an order: do NOT fight in RWs anymore. I will not expect you to fight for eROC nor will I be hiring mercenaries to fight (despite pressure for those particular measures), but if you truly care about eJapan, for Heaven's sake stop fighting in RWs. I understand the frustration, but aggrevating the situation is not helping things.

Ranting aside, SORA Chung and I have done discussions trying to get a resolution which might satisfy both sides, and a basic outline had been ironed out. Unfortunately, given the changed circumstances due to the RWs, it seems I might have to directly be involved in talks involving the eROC Government and Congress to get this cleared up for once. For too long interest groups have been stalling any talks for solving this problem, and I want to use this situation to get this over with.

But before that time, I wish to convey the thoughts of most eJapanese to eROC: Most people do not think of the relationship before the successes of the RWs as friendship. Rather, they think of it as a master-slave relationship, where an arrogant eROC takes things for granted. I get it that you want the resources, and I get it that you want to keep eROK occupied. However, invading with less than a 24 hour notice to block congress elections, going on with the paranoid fantasy of eKorean influence in eJapan (if there were such a thing, how would the most hated person in eROK, Sumeragi Akeiko, become President?), and general closing of eyes and ears by the eROC to discussions have built up into frustration and rage on part of the eJapanese.

In my discussions with SORA, I quoted the following:

老子 道德經: 大國者下流 天下之交 天下之牝 牝常以靜勝牡 以靜爲下, 故大國以下小國 則取小國 小國以下大國 則取大國

If eROC truly wants friendly relations with eJapan, remember this timeless quote. Only when both sides are "equal" can there be a true relationship.

This has been the rant of Sumeragi Akeiko. May true peace in East Asia be established.