Ranking Program: Finished First Phase!

Day 499, 10:24 Published in Switzerland Poland by MaZzA

rikardo_92 (14130) ---> 18491
Judazs (16263) ---> 21692
MaZzA (16102) ---> 21179
Ricco77 (14523) ---> 15088
Burn_gT (13410) ---> 19033
Gaudentix (1309😎 ---> 14121
kiko25 (6590) ---> 6590
Louis Ton (10437) ---> 15523
Jimbowymbo (21480) ---> GENERAL
matutian (22534) ---> GENERAL
MacEron (1885😎 ---> GENERAL
Cigarra (1388😎 ---> 15484
Raikael (14893) ---> 19073
Parrao (10986) ---> 14451
Caledfwylch (7587) ---> 9398
SbriSa (10617) ---> 13151
BravoRomeoDelta (15682) --->19305
Cidadao (23620) ---> GENERAL
cesar augusto (777😎 ---> COLONEL
Txotx Master (6569) ---> 8083
Mineapolix (775😎 --- > COLONEL
Randys (5453) ---> 8281
Heymans (11865) ---> 17583
RicardoNeves (21662) ---> 23145
boscky (na) ---> 22565
Gigimon (na) ---> 16195

The first phase is finished.
Congratulations to new Generals and Colonels.

Next week we will start second phase.

Thanks to all.

Silent Leges Inter Arma!