Ranger thanks Admin, eAustralia, and the eWorld...

Day 596, 04:04 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob


I felt I needed to post an article thanking you all for the incredible amount of support I received.

On Monday I was absolutely devastated. I had drafted and was about to submit my resignation from the Cabinet, and had already decided to not restart as another citizen. I knew it would be pushing a wheelbarrow of (insert here) uphill to have my appeal heard let alone passed (I didn't know of many if anyone at all coming back from a permaban).

BUT...your support....


I honestly couldn't believe it. I don't think I have ever had that kind of sudden, spontaneous support from so many people wishing me well. It frankly shocked and humbled me all in one. I logged on to IRC last night and was confronted with about 20 PMs and couldn't even catch up with all the people who were telling me not to go, and giving me well wishing messages.

Then of course the news came I was unbanned. I would like to for this, also acknowledge and thank admin. They get a rough wrap sometimes, but I reckon if is hard to be in charge of a country, imagine let alone a game. I am just thankful they took the time to care to read my appeal, consider it and make their decision. Thanks.

Frankly, there are too many individuals to thank for their support. I don't want to get in anyone's bad books here by forgetting them. BUT, I read all your comments. I read, all your forum posts. I received support on IRC, MSN and some live camera streaming program where Meadow had me in stitches with a cookie monster toy and other props (and a lovely video presentation he had made).

I would like to thank in particular the following people. William_Shafer, AV, Srg91, Scotywest, Cheeseball, BenP and Meadow. While everyone made a difference - you guys orchestrated that difference. Either through keeping me sane when I thought I had no chance - to convincing me, and the nation, you want me around.

Anyway - enough niceties. Dropbears, ACUK and ACAR - I am still here. Your co-MoD has work to do!

Ranger Bob
eAustralian Citizen