Ralphy Really Running For Congress & Cavalry Reunion

Day 1,404, 12:40 Published in USA USA by RalphyNoPants

This game has eaten this article 4 times already and I have work in about an hour, so you're getting the short version.

Section 1 Congress
America works best when we are Kickin' Ass with our allies. We get more resources, production goes up, we make more things and winning is good.

That is why one of the things I would do, if elected as one of your Congress Critters, would be to create a long term plan for the development of the USAF commune system to make sure that America's soldiers are supplied the best they can be and in the most efficient way.

Former Congress Critter
Former Branch Commander (Cavalry)
Brought Kween Kria to the game.

RL Congress Critters do not like it when you call them Congress Critters in the Q & A section after they give a speech.

Section 2 Cavalry Reunion
I have been feeling a bit nostalgic recently and was wondering if anyone else would be up for some sort of reunion? Send me a PM or comment below if you are interested. It has been too long since I have talked to many of you.