Rage against the Sweed's

Day 544, 16:22 Published in USA USA by Cynic Grim

We had a glorious micro world war not too long ago, and even though we failed, we progressed greatly in demonstrating the the eUSA does have alot of power to its punch, when it focuses on a target. Peace emerged from the conflict with the upper hand, and while regretable, it is the nature of the game.

However, we have now seen the truth behind why we will lose, and why we will continue to lose. The organization that eUSA is part of Alantis, is basically a functional one. We don't have the unity of peace, and we won't, because our allies, in this case, Sweeden (who just allied with romania) Will attack another of our allies, Germany. Both are part of alantis, and for weeks, there had been rumors of this attack forth coming, and people working to stop it. However, with this dec of war, Sweeden is basically showing the entire group the finger, with the arguement "You need us more then Germany." The problem is this. The game is a long term game, and a game of numbers. The 500 lowbies of today might now do a fraction of a veteran tank's damage, but 6 months from now? They are able to give said tank a run for their money. 9 months from now, the tank is left behind. So numbers, no matter how low a player or country is, matters, because lower stat people grow at a much faster rate then higher stat people. As countries get more involved in politics, and as new countries are generated, they will have two examples to look too.

PEACE- Anti Alantis alliance, who might TO your country if your not affiliated with them.


Alantis- Anti Peace alliance, whose more powerful members might, or might not, take over your country even if your lightly alligned with them, just because they can.

This war has the long term strategic value of cutting our own throats.

Honestly? eUSA needs to take sanctions against such actions, and should Germany's MPP's be activated, I think all justice caring members of eUSA should fight on Germany's behalf.

Remember, a Cynic for congress, vote for me later this month.