Raffle, free food and tanks/Sorteo, gratis comida y tanques q5

Day 1,322, 10:59 Published in USA USA by floretman

Hello everyone, i still need 500 subs to get my Media Mogul Medal, so i will do a raffle so here it goes

1 price 5 q5 tanks
2 70 q5 food
3 30 q5 food.

15 min after i reach 1k subs ill do the raffle. All you have to do is

Subscribe, vote and comment.

If you shout it, better so we can do the raffel as soon as possible.

Thanks you all,


Hola a todos, necesito 500 subs para tener la Media Mogul, asi que voy a hacer un sorteo.

1 premio 5 tanques q5
2 70 comidas q5
3 30 comidas q5

15 minutos despues de conseguidos 1k subs hago el sorteo. Solamente tenes que

Subscribirte, votar y comentar.

Si lo gritan mejor, asi hacemos el sorte lo antes posible.
