Radical Freethinkers Alliance's Return

Day 567, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

Hello all 🙂

As many of you noticed the Radical Freethinkers Alliance went through a pretty major change recently, becoming Sinn Fein

I am now delighted to confirm that the party is back to normal, fully functioning and stronger than ever

The name change and logo change was at the hands of Final Destiny, the member of the party who inherited the party with Goku Jones' departure

FD's wish was to have a joke with several long term friends and be remembered with his final departure from eRepublik

I know this act has created outrage among you, others found it to be an amusing joke, however either way it is over now and the RFA bares no ill will to Final Destiny and wishes him the best of luck in his future life, and if he chooses to return, e-life.

So best of luck FD, from all at the RFA 🙂

In similar news the RFA forum activity has dramatically improved, with more members than ever before posting their ideas on the forums. We would love the rest of the party to sign up and have their say in the party, just sign up at the eUK forums 🙂
Likewise, many RFA members are now gaining valuable experience as members of the eUK government, military and economy and we wish them the best of luck in their helping make the eUK a better place for everyone
