Rada republiky / Council of Republic

Day 2,899, 05:52 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Pirkus

Česká verze

Konečně jsem připojen k internetu pomocí kabelu a nemusím využívat internetu předplaceného. 😃

Proč vám píši, když do dalších voleb Diktátora zbývá ještě několik dní? Ona snad Rada něco dělala? 😃 Ano, dělala. 😉
Je tomu již několik dní, kdy jsem Radě předložil k hlasování návrh o změnu Ústavy.
Jak zní současná Ústava?
Art 1. The Dictator in game has constitutionally the same role as the CP.

Art 2. Only former Czech CPs can be Dictator.

Art 3. The Dictator is elected by the Council of the Republic.

Art 4. The Council of the Republic (is composed by Congressmember, former CPs, PPs).

Art 5. The Dictator needs to take into consideration the Congress opinion before to use his right of vote.

Art 6. The Dictator can't act against the Congress opinion expressed by an internal vote.

Art 7. The Government is nominated by the Dictator at the request of the CP.

Art 8. The Dictator can use a right of vote without the Congress approval in case of emergency only for MPP and for NE as an answer to another NE. (ex : Country A is voting a NE against eCR, the Dictator can vote without Congress approval.)

Art 9. The Government under the direction of the CP may work independently from the Dictator if it doesn't demand the propose of laws.

Art 10. The negative influence of the Dictator on Czech Republic or his inactivity can serve as the reason of a Non-confidence vote.

Art 11. Non-confidence can be voted against the Dictator by the Council of the Elders. The vote is followed by the beginning of a Revolution to remove the Dictator if he refuse to nominate a new Dictator.

Art 12. The Council of the Elders is composed by 3 former CP.

Art 13. The Dictator must give all the rewards to the Minister of Economy.

(Ústava je uvedena v Jankhosově článku)

Nad textem článku č.7 se správně pozastavoval hráč fwdre. Článek 7 říká:

The Government is nominated by the Dictator at the request of the CP.
Prezident si tedy vybere členy vlády a diktátor je jen "nakliká". Zatím bylo vše v pořádku, ale v případě problémového prezidenta bychom měli smůlu - pokud by se tedy diktátor řídil Ústavou.

Abychom se vyhnuli případnému protiústavnímu jednání (ačkoli v dobré víře), navrhl jsem následující změnu:

Článek 7: Prezident pouze navrhuje jména členů vlády a diktátor má ve výběru poslední a rozhodující slovo.
Složení Rady republiky a účast v hlasování

BaskB, fwdre, Ivan Blok37, Jankhos, John Locked, John_White, Michalov z Moravy, milestailsprower, Pirkus, Robinklub, Vladislav Baloun.

Kromě hráčů Jankhos a John Locked, odevzdal každý člen Rady svůj hlas.
Každý hlasoval ANO. Článek 7 byl tedy změněn na navrhované:

Článek 7: Prezident pouze navrhuje jména členů vlády a diktátor má ve výběru poslední a rozhodující slovo.

Jak to tak vypadá, nejedná se o poslední úpravu Ústavy.

Především bude Ústava přeložena do naší mateřštiny. Je nehorázné, že naše vlastní Ústava není psána v češtině, což se brzy napraví.
Děkuji za vaši pozornost.

Váš milovaný Diktátor

Short English version
(I´m sorry for my bad English)

I´m back online, so there´s important article. 😉

Why I´m writing this article? The Council of Republic voted about change of our Constitution some days ago.
Current Constitution
Art 1. The Dictator in game has constitutionally the same role as the CP.

Art 2. Only former Czech CPs can be Dictator.

Art 3. The Dictator is elected by the Council of the Republic.

Art 4. The Council of the Republic (is composed by Congressmember, former CPs, PPs).

Art 5. The Dictator needs to take into consideration the Congress opinion before to use his right of vote.

Art 6. The Dictator can't act against the Congress opinion expressed by an internal vote.

Art 7. The Government is nominated by the Dictator at the request of the CP.

Art 8. The Dictator can use a right of vote without the Congress approval in case of emergency only for MPP and for NE as an answer to another NE. (ex : Country A is voting a NE against eCR, the Dictator can vote without Congress approval.)

Art 9. The Government under the direction of the CP may work independently from the Dictator if it doesn't demand the propose of laws.

Art 10. The negative influence of the Dictator on Czech Republic or his inactivity can serve as the reason of a Non-confidence vote.

Art 11. Non-confidence can be voted against the Dictator by the Council of the Elders. The vote is followed by the beginning of a Revolution to remove the Dictator if he refuse to nominate a new Dictator.

Art 12. The Council of the Elders is composed by 3 former CP.

Art 13. The Dictator must give all the rewards to the Minister of Economy.
(Text from Jankhoses article)

Player fwdre reported Article 7, which says:

The Government is nominated by the Dictator at the request of the CP.
President chooses the members of the Government and Dictator just "cliks" them. So far everything was fine, but if we´ll have problematic President, we had bad luck - if the Dictator obey the Constitution.

To avoid a possible uncostitutional conduct (though in good faith), I proposed the following changes:

Article 7: The President proposes only the names of members of the Government and the Dictator has in choosing the final and decesive word.

Members of Council:
BaskB, fwdre, Ivan Blok37, Jankhos, John Locked, John_White, Michalov z Moravy, milestailsprower, Pirkus, Robinklub, Vladislav Baloun.
Jankhos and John Locked doesn´t vote. And the rest of members voted YES. So, Article 7 now says:

Article 7: The President proposes only the names of members of the Government and the Dictator has in choosing the final and decesive word.

It looks, this is not last change of Constitution.

First, our Constitution get Czech translate.
Thanks for reading. 😉

Your beloved Dictator