Questions for All Those Looking to Make the New IDF

Day 1,004, 16:50 Published in Israel Israel by pantherthug89

Alright I see a lot of people trying to set up a new military within Israel after Joshua Hoss' resignation along with several people trying to become the next 'military heroes' of Israel now there are just a few questions I have for you?

1.) How do you think this will work with so many people trying to make a new IDF/organized military?

I have counted at least 3 people trying to make a organized military and honestly how can you expect to make a group larger than a single squad. Either you guys have to come together and make one single one or basically face the incapability of being an effective fighting force. If there are so many little units that arent unified there will be small pockets of troops of maybe only 3-4 fighting together and honestly with the potential enemies you have you guys will get pumelled within the first wave.

2.) Who will be your officers?

Last I checked most strong players who are in Israel are in the government, now some little groups I have seen are offering to have government duties and I see some groups will allow them to join. The reason this wont work is because most battles are required for you to deploy as you have little MPPs and are at peace with most of your neighbors. Many of these little groups will turn to these government players and ask them to be officers as they are very active. But as you will notice they wont be very effective officers and their main focus will be to work their political careers. Otherwise there arent very proven officers out there to run a large outfit.

3.) Are you prepared to have to face the challenges of communicating with different languages?

Obviously there are Hebrew speakers and English speakers in this nation, is your group capable of handling both?

4.) Do you expect government aid?

The government and this economy doesnt have the money to support you guys even if you wanted to, are your pockets deep enough to go out there and fight battle after battle giving soldiers optimum supplies. These units have to be for the long run and you must have the income or self sufficiency to make it work.

5.) Do you expect victory?

ven if you put together an elite team of our top 10 players in Israel you would be destroyed within the first few engagements in the battle rendering yourself useless when you could be stimulating economy for a newer, stronger military of the future. V2 battles dont depend on tanks anymore, you need to be able to give it your all over a long period of time you need a large amount of quality troops and I dont know if Israel can deliver that.

7.) Does your leader have what it takes?

Your leader will need to be an expert in V2 tactics and I just dont mean know it, I mean be just as good as leaders in nations such as Hungary or USA. The reason for this is because with a nation of your small population you need an amazing amount of coordination and tactical strength which is mostly called upon by the leader. If other nations can use brute force to destroy you, you need amazing manueverability to even stand a slight chance in the battle. The leader would have to stay online at enormous amounts of times in one sitting trying to organize everything to perfection and even then victory would be an incredible feat.

Many of these things I say here are facts here, hate it or love it. You have to deliver all of these things if not all but one to have the 1/100th chance at success with what you have. So tell me new Militias