Questions Answered and the VP Pick

Day 860, 18:38 Published in USA USA by Woxan

First, some questions from some cool Americans (and a Canadian).

"What are you going to do to encourage China to stay aligned with the eUSA instead of Phoenix?"

I have worked with many Chinese officials before, especially during my tenure as Secretary of State. We share the same goals: kicking Hungary, Serbia, and Russia out of North-east China and liberate North Corea from PHOENIX control. We got PHOENIX out of Liaoning and Jilin once, and we'll do it again.

"What is your stance towards the multiple ties USA has to othercountries? How do you see the USA's involvement in EDEN developing over yourterm, either as a member or otherwise? As a vocal supporter of the Brolliance andSHIELD, what is your message to our Bro's (of all nations)? How will they benefit by your election."

I find it great that we have found good relations and military cooperation with non-EDEN countries, especially Sol, which has allowed us to combat PHOENIX in Asia and South Africa. I would like to continue to persue and build strong EDEN relations. We have been allies for a long time and both sides have helped and saved the others. Currently we will come together to save Finland, who gave her life in hopes of a stronger Finland once it returns. On the subject of the Brolliance, we should continue to build economic and defensive bonds, and continue the traditions of epic BROMANCES on October 29, or V-Canada Day.

&quot😉o you plan on reducing the size of the cabinet from 60+ people?"
Yes, as mentioned in my last article, it is on my agenda. I feel that the cabinet has grown too complex and should be shrunken to what is needed. I'll be personally appointing key positions and have them decide their staff of who they want to and can work with and what is needed. I hope this will create a more efficient cabinet and shrink the bureaucracy.

"Who is your Vice Presidential Pick?"

I have picked none other than Joe Newton

Why Joe? He and I go back throughout the North American invasion, working together with hundreds of other patriotic Americans to repel the the PEACE scourge that had fallen on our country, our bros Canada and North Korea, and our rich and sexy neighbor Spain. He's smart, a media mogul, and is well read on game mechanics and the history of alliances and nations in eRepublik. He's done great work with the State Department and worked in the cabinet, and is well liked by some of our European friends. It is with great pride that I announce Joe Newton to be my running mate.
