Q7 Wep firepower, true or false?!?

Day 1,710, 02:15 Published in Egypt Croatia by Amrod666

So Plato gave us/you jet another reason (at least for some of you) to spend your gold. And this time it's Q7 wep and food.

So let's see is the truth Plato says about Q7 wep dmg.

For example I make influence with Q5 wep 7931 (that's 100 firepower), and with Q7 11898 (so called 200 firepower).

So how the hell is Plato calculating this firepower and influence!??

First you have your base influence without wep, in my case 3965.
So if I use Q1 wep. with firepower 20 my inf. is 4758. That makes Q1 weps 20 firepower my influence 20% higher.

So, Q7 wep is giving you 200% of your base hit.

At first glance you think WTF is this Plato on, talking about 200 firepower and mine is like 140 - 150. Well you're wrong.

If you ask me it's all marketing scam so that at first glance you think "Uuuu i'll make big bad dmg with this wep!"; but in ereal, you won't make THAT much of a difference. At least not while the prices are so high.


P.S. Some find that formula for calculating influence dunno, PITA.
Here's simplified version 🙂