Q6 Companies - A Cry for help from eRepublik

Day 1,504, 12:42 Published in USA USA by Robert Renolds

Lets get one thing clear, eRepublik is a ground breaking game. It links palyers from all over the world together in trade, politics, and war. The social interaction and reliance on PLAYER WRITTEN newspapers in order to find out the news has worked out brilliantly.
The trouble it that the owners of eRepublik are trying to find ways to make more money. Granted, bandwith, translators, and fixing bugs is not free; trying to make profit a worthy goal. The trouble lies in how you try to make that profit.
The latest Q6 "sale" is proof that eRepublik is in need of help. The eRep owners are killing their game in order to make a few more dollars in the short term. Once the players ran out of things to buy with gold, sales stagnated. So, the solution was to make something new to buy. The problem is that the solution, Q6 companies, is the wrong kind of solution.
Q6 companies, especially with the current economic model, make all other purchases seem irrelevant. Unless the productivity calculations change, the only way to own a Q6 company is to be funded by a Government or BUY GOLD! And that kills new player retention.

How it feels to be a player in eRepublik without a credit card

Can you imagine being a brand new player in eRepublik? Half the buttons you need to navigate don't exist (I happen to bookmark most of mine, rather than navigate three or four pages), there is no "How To" link, other than the wiki (which is written by faithful players, not paid employees). If you need assistance, you reach out to PLAYERS, not Admins, but as the gap between older players and newer players grow, the game continues to turn into a single player game online, rather than a browser MMO.
Admins, take a look at other games online that use micro payments. The most successful offer many different items for sale, but they do not effect the outcome of the game, only enhance it. Design a few tools for your API feed that work, and offer them for sale. I know that many would buy them. It doesn't effect outcome of events, but it is a service many feel have value, hence would be purchased.

Q6 is an interesting idea, but I think it is a failure overall. The overly simplistic manufacturing portion (and the errors of productivity that came along) of the Economy Module hinders the ability to WORK your way to the top. Rather, you can simply buy your way to the top. If there is anything we have learned in recent months, the people are getting tired of allowing the haves to buy their way to success. eRepublik needs to learn from history, or be relegated to it.

All the old Q6 factories after eRepublik collapses under its own weight.