Q5 Bread and Weapon Winners!

Day 734, 15:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

So time for the moment ye've all been waiting for lads - the Q5 bread quiz results (and answers!).

As usual just a couple of reminders first. The lottery draw is now open so it's time to buy your tickets and, secondly, we're still accepting votes in the second round of community awards. You'll find details here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/round-two-of-the-community-awards-1041484/1/20#comments

Also don't forget our communal bank account the Irish State Community Fund, a shared account for the citizens of eIreland to save up for whatever they want: http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1908995 Please donate anything you can spare. We accept foreign currencies you've no use for and any tiny little bit of gold or IEP you might want to share with us.

But onto the answers...

1. Cad is ainm den príomhcháthair sna hÉirinn? (What is the Capital City of Ireland? - Irish)

2. O'Leary, O'Reilly, O'Hare and O'Hara... but according to the song who's there no-one as Irish as?
Barack O'Bama (their spelling, not mine lol - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HplZ_taHXLM)

3. Wie heißen die vier irischen Provinzen? (What are the four Irish Provinces? - German)
Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connaught

4. In which year's Eurovision song contest was Riverdance launched and which turkey apologised for it in our entry last year?
1994. Dustin.

5. Hvor mange år var Eamon de Valera irsk præsident? (For how many years was Eamon de Valera Irish President? - Danish (am allowing Norwegian because there's only one letter difference)

6. People and sports teams from which county would you expect to be referred to as 'cats'?

7. В мифологии, чии дети были прeврасчини в лебедей? (In mythology whose children were turned into swans? - Russian)

8. What do Comeragh, Purple and Slieve Bloom have in common?
They're mountains

9. .-- .... --- .. ... - .... . -.-. ..- .-. .-. . -. - - .- --- .. ... . .- -.-. .... --- ..-. .. .-. . .-.. .- -. -.. ? (Who is the current Taoiseach of Ireland? - Morse Code)
Brian Cowen (would've accepted Biffo. Ahem.)

10. What, if you translate it to English, is the Irish national anthem called?
Soldier's Song

And the winners are...
Q5 Brea😛
Robin Locksley
Niall H

Q5 Weapons:

I'll be sending your prizes over now, lads, congratulations!

Coming up tomorrow: ANOTHER MoC house draw. A Q1 will be up for grabs, lovely noobies!

With love,