Pyrrhic victories, actual victories, and failings

Day 694, 06:45 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis
Now in the
White flames of burning flags
We found a world worth dying for you
We've been battered so hard that
We don't feel anymore

Worth Dying For – Rise Against

Pyrrhic victory
I’ll be a little lazy here, and just quote a sentence from the Wiki entry on the subject;

The phrase is named after King Pyrrhus of Epirus, whose army suffered irreplaceable casualties in defeating the Romans at Heraclea in 280 BC and Asculum in 279 BC during the Pyrrhic War.

Essentially, a pyrrhic victory is a victory that comes at such a cost, that it becomes contentious as to whether it was a victory or not. The current pig disgusting attack could be said to be such a victory, assuming a Swedish victory, or even a UK victory for that matter. Allow me to elaborate.

The region of Midtjylland, or midgetland as it has become affectionately known as, is, essentially, a useless region. The UK has this region at the request of the Danish; during kumnaa’s term the approached us about holding regions for them, because they are unable to to deal with them themselves. With a small population like theirs, it makes political takeovers of the country much more possible, threatening the security of a pretty cool bunch of dudes. So both ourselves and Hungary agreed to this; they asked nicely, and all that, and had a good reason for what they requested. Hungary originally held the region of Nordjylland, bordering Midgetland, but retreated it as part of a tactical maneuver; retreating to attack elsewhere.

The only real benefit of holding this region is that we can get a border with original Swedish territories; not really a great thing as I don’t plan on activating a mass of MPPs against us. At least, not until I finalise the plan.

Whoever wins they win a worthless prize, with total losses (in terms of currency, production, etc),being greater than any possible advantage (midgetland is a pain in congressional elections). I’d say I’d be glad to lose it, based on this logic; but this is not so. We will fight for it, and we may lose. Like it or not, Midgetland has become ingrained on the UK’s consciousness, and if we lose, I’d be sad; not for me, but for all the little people out there.

Now, for... the bizarre battle related behaviour seen in this war. The president of Sweden, St00r, opened the battle of his own free will, and put over 16,000 damage into the wall, from his own funds. He had been playing eRepublik with s disabled, and only enabled them to press attack, and to fight. His session still got stolen. With this the malicious individuals were able to retreat the battle prematurely, and against the will of the pig disgusting Swede behind the name.

The admins stepped in with shocking speed, re-opened the battle, and temporarily banned St00r for the first 6 hours of the battle, so that it could not be retreated. The outcome of the battle, at the current time, is unknown. With any luck it’ll be an interesting end.

The takeaway message from this is, I guess, that no matter who wins with a region such as Midgetland, it ultimately serves no purpose other than to humiliate; exactly what Sweden, along with their allies intends to subject the UK too, more humiliation. We are not a military power. We are unable to keep up with the big boys. We have the potential to change this. Invite a friend, everyone of you. You’ve just doubled your worth to the country. Invite more than one; be awesome. We can get there, but we are not there right now.

Sweden: Thank you for breaking the monotony, I’m sure you were as bored as we are, it should be a lot of fun later today, win or lose. May the best side win. Money well spent on the fun factor, which is the ultimate thing. So yeah. So much for me catching up on uni work today.

An undoubted victory
A few days ago, a series of resitance wars flared up in Iran; Pyongan, Uttar Pradesh and Northern India. The first, Pyongan was a North Korean region held by Iran after attacking and capturing it after the recent congressional elections. The two Indian regions were held by them after they ravaged the remanants of the Pakistan empire, post beta.

Iran secured both Uttar Pradesh, and Pyongan, but lost Northern India; the two secured battles ending up as nothing more than a distraction for the ultimate goal of getting India a high grain region; honestly, I’m cool with them having it, I just don’t like losing battles, you know?

This is all very interesting, but whats even more interesting is what happened right after. India rejected an MPP sent by the USA, as a safeguard against possible retaliation by PEACE countries. Thats right, rejected. Evidently fearful of Indonesia and Iran, they were stuck between a rock and a hard place, so to speak. They’re currently accepting an alliance with Spain, so it is safe to assume that they’ve made a decision of sorts. Perfectly understandable considering their position.

Anarchy in the eUK (and elsewhere, but I like songs in my articles)
How many ways to get what you want
I use the best I use the rest
I use the enemy I use anarchy cos I
Wanna be, anarchy

More information here. Basically, someone managed to use a piece of in comments to automate sending money to accounts specified by the kiddie behind it all. They sent it to large names in Russian politics; ex presidents mostly. Oh, and Emerick. None of them were implicated in the actual exploiting itself, and have been cleared by the admins themselves.

I personally think people used to be far more fun in the old days. Redirecting the in game forums to meatspin was mildly amusing at the time, and certainly nothing of value was lost at the time. Less destructive too, win/win. I’d imagine the person behind this seems to think of themselves a Joker style person; someone who just does things. Regardless, the admins ahve actually reacted with faster than expected speed, so kudos to them. Now all they need to do is fix the variants of this exploit, and all is well.

An unrelated note
I’m considering writing some random crap based on eRep; a silly fictional piece, mostly out of boredom.Would anyone read it? y/n

Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs.