Putting the Infrastructue Debate to Rest: 3 Q5s or Bust

Day 786, 17:23 Published in USA USA by Woxan
Aeros Has Written An Article About Hospital Placement. I respect Aeros and am a subscriber to his paper, but I must disagree with his advocation of Q2 hospitals in every state.


Our hospitals BEFORE the invasion. All save 1 are gone. Over a thousand GOLD in investment at the least. Do we want to make that same error in investing again?

On July 14, 2009, PEACE invaded the United States of America, which at the time had 46 hospitals, low retention rates, and a divisive population. Fast forward 3 months: the USA has reclaimed all 51 of her regions, had 2,500 more active citizens, and only 2 Q5 hospitals.

Currently, we have 3 Q5 Hospitals. Here is the rationale for why they've been place😛

Population: 5900
Wall: 885,000
Cost to Attack: 1,475 GOLD
- High Grain
- High Oil
- High Real Life Population
- High Amount of Companies
- Strategic Bottleneck

Population: 8051
Wall: 1,207,650
Cost to Attack: 2,012.75 GOLD
- High Real Life Population
- Strategic Bolt hole
-High Amount of Manufacturing Companies

Population: 2393
Wall: 358,950
Cost to Attack: 648.25 GOLD
- High Iron

As you can see, these are some pretty tough regions. Not only are they a doozey to attack, they're expensive as hell to tank down.

Fortress Strategy

The United States has 51 states. At first glance, this a curse. Dozens of useless regions. This line of though is incorrect. 51 states is a blessing in disguise. With 51 original states, we can easily retreat and reengage at will. Many of our allies cannot afford to retreat any regions at all, due to infrastructure or resources. This forces our enemies into situations where they may get trapped (Alaska/Washington bottleneck. New England bottlebeck), and blocked by our allies Canada or Spain.

A distributed population makes it impossible to employ fortress strategy, makes our fortress regions weaker, and lower the total number of fights we can bring to the battlefield.

In addition, it costs thousands of gold simply in battle costs to attack the United States. It's also been adopted by Spain and Norway and Finland, who have also had the experience of clearing their apocalyptic infrastructure.

Common Misconceptions

1. Q4 Hospitals Will Help Citizen Retention in Large States and Make Us Stronger!

This was guise that fooled many of our citizens pre-invasion. I was one of them. I had the mentality that it was only 1 fight. What happens when you have 500 people who think that? That's 500 wasted fights. We had hundreds who refused to leave Tennessee, Virgina, Texas, and California, and move to Florida or New Jersey.

2. Low Hospitals Will Keep Citizens Around!

Another common misconception. As seen with pre-war vote totals and as a personal observer, low q hospitals do not aid in citizen retention in the slightest. All of the truly active citizens move to a fortress region, and the ones who refuse to move still make us stronger by creating tax revenue.

When Can We Put Down More Hospitals?

The answer is simply more citizens or another highly valuable region (Iron or Diamonds, or an Strategic Outpost), is acquired. Putting down anymore would destroy the advantage our current fortresses hold.

This is Woxan, hoping to put the infrastructure debate to rest.