Putting the "E" in Erepublik (CP entry)

Day 497, 13:44 Published in Canada Australia by Mustache Dictator

The admins of Erepublik have done everything ( we think ) in their power to make this game like real life. The question is, is it becoming TOO much like the real world?

Something becoming more and more common recently: Emarriage
What's the point?!?!?! I guess if you're RL spouses, it would make sense.

But seeing some random player and asking "Will you Emarry me?" is just straight out weird.

Lets say this person says "yes".
Now what happens? Do you E hold hands? Do you Emake out? Have Esex???????

The day the admins make that is the day E pigs fly.

Then we come to.. Religion.

Now, I'm sorry Flying Spaghetti guys, but whats the point? The whole reason behind religion is to find why we were created, and what happens after death.

Well, I'm going to answer that. You were created for personal entertainment, and when you die, you spend all your time in RL.
There you have it, no need for E religion now is there?

Here's a dictionary meaning for you

"A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs."(Dictionary.com)

So is it really worth it?
Thanks for reading
God bless Canada and have a great week.