Put Australia's Most Experienced Commie In Senate

Day 886, 04:46 Published in Australia Australia by Listhp Tomptos
Hey Aussies,

I'm pretty happy to say I'll be running for congress again this month. With your votes I hope to continue to be a presence in the senate and represent everybody who has a left leaning view of politics.

This term I would like to concentrate on two main areas of politics :

Defence -
If elected I will push for the senate to do whatever it is legally allowed to do to push Indonesians out of WA. It is our country and I believe that any half decent opportunity regarding the return of WA must be seized or we may not see it's return till next year. If this means the Australian population must make some sacrifices to pay for better weapons and more alliances so be it, I believe we can handle it if it means one day we'll see an Australian flag in Western Australia.

Economy -. There is one major area of the Australian economy that needs revision and that is our tax rates. As our nation grows and becomes stronger we need to make sure that the stronger players are not leaving the newer players behind. Currently most of them cannot afford food to keep their wellness stable let alone weapons so as they too can fight to protect Australia and its allies. Currently I work as Minister for Human Services and Education and I know the main problem we face is funding, the department has a budget that allows it to give out a total of 300 wellness via gifts. For a population of 3000 this is absolutely absurd and yet it is all the government can give us without being accused of reckless spending. While it may not sound nice our only option is tax increases, these should go to the effort to gain WA first and the effort to gain citizens second.

So why vote for me other than policy. Well there are many reasons, I'll list a few:

- I am not going to go inactive during my term. By the end of each term the actual Senate votes on the forums (where the vote that matters happens) are getting under 15 votes. This means half of the people that voted for a candidate that got in have wasted their votes because their candidate can't be bothered to represent them. I have been playing for over a year and have 7 congress medals and am currently serving my 5th term in cabinet so I think its very unlikely that I'll become inactive.
- I am experienced. Basically I have been in all areas of the game. I have been part of the Dropbears, a member of multiple cabinets, a businessman, a commune organiser, a party member, a successful newspaper writer and a senator. So, while I am still learning things more than a year on I know infinitley more about eRepublik than anyone 2,3 or 4 months old.

So if YOU are a QUEENSLANDER vote for the EXPERIENCED LEFTY, vote for the guy who wants what is best for OUR NATION, vote for LISTHP TOMPTOS.