Punjab Battle Down To The Wire

Day 511, 19:16 Published in South Africa Ukraine by Australian Warlord

The eRomania / eIndonesian battle at Punjab went down to the wire. AW reporting from the battle zone.

Late in the battle (4 hours left & most of my fellow Australians having fought earlier) & with eIndonesia gaining territory outside the defensive perimeter, a group of us were preparing our weapons for battle (me being educated on holding a gun straight). Just as we were looking to throw ourselves against the increasing eIndonesian advantage we heard the cry of the eRomanian command to retreat.

As we sat there cleaning our unused weapons half mopeing & half looking forward to the next battle, we watched as the eIndonesians seemed to obtain a unstoppable territorial advantage. We gathered as the eIndonesians obtained over a 100k advantage with less than 1.5 hours left on the clock as I was having a chat with a female general called Sunsetter.

As we looked at the fine assembly of people gathered (me still being educated on how to use a gun) & looked at the eIndonesian masses trampling over the wildflowers we decided to have one final push against the eIndonesian line.

Managing to stumble to the front line I selected a patch of turf that I would take over. Somehow managing to shoot in the right direction despite having mud in my eyes, I proclaimed a healthy realestate of turf as the minutes counted down. Attempting to get the mud out of my eyes as several people patted me on the back as they went past, I strained to see if we would make it as it went down to a nailbiting conclusion. In the final minutes the eRomanian heavies rolled in & the eIndonesian lines melted away & eRomania claimed the territory.

Today people in eRomania have yet another opportunity to battle whilst the eIndonesians sit at home grumbling to themselves. For anybody seeking to increase their military rank & combat capabilities, eRomania is the place to go. With the potential for faster battle experience increases & higher pay that you can take back to eSth Africa with you, choose eRomania as your training ground. With battles almost guaranteed everyday, it's the place to go for combat training (and hospital wellness boosts).