Punchy Idea No.1: Deer for Dummies

Day 2,182, 15:30 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Cpt.Eyedea

So with the recent refusal from one of our amazing allies. Lithuania. It looks like getting deer in Scandinavia is sadly not realistic currently. So it looks like we will not get to taste the venison for quite some time. But wait! There is a possible 2nd way of obtaining our goal. Before I continue I would like to address fellow people of this country that we are planning on giving one of our oil regions to Latvia just because we are gents, there is a possibility that it will pass through, and I will probably support that movement. We might as well pull out of there, it was more of a campaign that was done for fun. But I still want to go to the winter wonderland! Our president promised!

So you may ask, what is the 2nd way...*drum roll* Thank you.

The second way is the full scale invasion of our maple drinking, beaver loving friends, Canada. We now have the chance to strike, as long as we agree with Spain. With the recent resistance shown by the Canadian hockey team, I think it looks like they will win.

If we manage to get a agreement with the Spanish, we can go and prosper forward to get the Canadian deer region, without too much of a problem. Whilst we run the campaign, we will negotiate with the US a peace treaty that protects us and them having a conflict.

I propose this. By the end of this year we do and achieve the following:
-Remove our campaign from Scandinavia but still maintain a region that is connected to the capital for future activities.
-Launch an attack on the Canadian deer region
-Make a peace treaty with the US to prevent any conflict in the near future.

This sounds like a ambitious idea, but I think we are capable of doing so. On the day the maple loving friends get Labour, I will propose through congress a natural enemy:Canada.

I will put forward this idea in front of congress tomorrow. I wanted to see what our beautiful patriots think of this idea...