Public Report: 8-30-09

Day 649, 19:07 Published in USA Chile by Larnell Smith

This report has been written by the US Embassy in Chile to inform you of the current events in Chile.

Items to be covered in this report:
Chilean Congress
New constitution and new Q5 hospital
New Office of Latin American Affairs
New Secretary of State

Chilean Congress-
$489 PTE was transferred from the country accounts to Escuelas Estatales. Accepted 31-3

New constitution and new Q5 hospital-
The Chilean Government has been putting the finishing touches on a new constitution for their country. They hope to improve citizens’ rights and bring better order to the nation’s government. The construction of a new Q5 hospital is almost finished, hopefully this will help to spread out Chile’s population creating better defense and making use of more of Chile’s resources.

New Office of Latin American Affairs-
I am proud to announce the opening of the Department of State’s office of Latin American Affairs! This office has been opened with the purpose of improving international and economic relations between the countries of Latin America and the USA. As you may know, things haven’t always been the best between us, but this office and the DoS is looking to change all of that.
I as director of this new office sent a message to the heads of state of Latin America that I would like to share with you.

Governments and citizens of the Hispanic Alliance of the Americas. On behalf of the Department of State and the Government of the United States, it brings me pleasure to announce th opening of the Office of Latin American Affairs. The goal of this new office is to try and improve diplomatic and economic relations between the United States and Latin America. I know that in the past the United States has not always tried to communicate positively with the countries of Latin America, but the establishment of this office says that we would like to change, and continue forward with a new future. This office is here in order to address any questions or concerns that you might have about the United States. We welcome this opportunity to demonstrate that we can be good neighbors and economic partners.

Thank you very much

on behalf of:
Larnell Smith-Director of the Office of Latin American Affairs
LexLuthor1-Secretary of State
Emerick-President of the United States

New Secretary of State-
I would like to inform you that the US has a new Secretary of State, his name is Gaius Julius. I look forward to working with him and his office to improve US foreign policy.