PTO prevention

Day 675, 00:32 Published in Australia Australia by Cortes118

Dear Readers

I have decided to start a new section called PTO prevention informing the Australian public on where you should vote

Denmark is currently being PTOed by serbans here is a list of the people you should vote for

Bosnis and Herzegovinia are currently being PTOed I am not sure by who I have heard the US president say there will be a PTO there so go and read there media and It will probably show who to vote for. DO NOT go until you know who to vote for I am not quite sure yet if there really is a PTO.

North Korea are currently being PTOed aswell so you can go help them aswell I cannot find a list so you will have to ask one of them.

P.S If there are any other PTO's happening please inform me and I will add

By Guy Baumber
Deputy Speaker of the Senate
ANP Senator 4 times in a row [(soon 5🙂]
ACU soldier
Deputy Speaker of the Senate
Apprentice MOFA
ANP supreme court member
Awesome Journalist.🙂