PTO'ers Need To Get A Life

Day 1,069, 09:58 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Veritas Industries

After having emigrated to my newly adopted country, I find we are about to be besieged by the same no-life bullies that I thought I had left back in 6th grade.

Rather than come to our beautiful eNew Zealand to work, train, possibly run a business or run for elected office to make life better for their new country, they prefer to bring their thuggish, totalitarian warlord mentality here to try and steal our money, our resources and turn us into a vassal state.

These jokers are just like the mean girls in 6th grade who will lie to your face and pretend to like you while they are secretly setting you up for a fall.

Let's get a constituted first government and stop the mean-girly-eSerbs from stealing what belongs to all true eNew Zealanders.