Psycho fights

Day 463, 02:46 Published in Romania Romania by roomin

As you know nowadays there are psychological fights much more than real battles. It has a good reason : to decrease opponents morale. So in this case Iranians were quicker than us you can ses one of these unfortunate acts here
As a response to these acts, I've prepared a rival poem which will be dedicated to : Persianus
Read it and have fun (by voting!)

You insulted our president, boy
I don't stand that like a toy
I will show you my react
Since you did a foolish act
You may be fool but not me
You aren't sure? so let's see
you wanted to be known as a clown
not just somebody throw you a bone
well it doesn't matter why you did it
it just matter you unfaithfully did it
you don't know what's it all about?
Let me tell you, it's about rout
You can run you can hide but
It's impossible to avoid the fight
don't worry it'll be done soon
no matter you fight or watch cartoon
you can't even fight for your life
even if we give you all a free knife
it will be a fair battle no kind words
those who win are named the lords
no PEACE member can encounter us
there's no chance to defeat us

why are you so afraid? It's us,Romans
I forgot to say it's an open poem. You can add your verses in comments.