
Day 213, 09:04 Published in USA USA by Immunogenic

Today is election day. Please be sure to vote for the person you feel best deserves the position.

In Providence the campaign for TylerDurdenCC is continuing. The following declaration was passed on to these offices by Mr. Durden.

"I am announcing today my candidacy for the Mayor of Providence.

The Mayor is the most powerful office in the Providence. Through its leadership can come a more vital life for our people. In it are centered the hopes of the globe around us for freedom and a more secure life. For it is in the Executive Branch that the most crucial decisions of this century must be made in the coming days--how to end or alter the burdensome arms race, where our larger neighbors gains already threaten our very existence--how to maintain freedom and order in this newly emerging city--how to rebuild the stature of Providence’s science, education, moving, and food system--how to prevent the collapse of our Hospital health system and the decay of our city under our soon to be former mayor--how to achieve, without further inflation or unemployment, expanded economic growth benefiting all Providencians--and how to give direction to our traditional moral purpose, awakening every citizen of Providence to the dangers and opportunities that confront us.

These are among the real issues of 2008. And it is on the basis of these issues that the people of Providence must make their fateful choice for their future.

In the past 2 years, I have toured every nation in the CyberCitizen World, now the Erepublic World, and I have talked to citizens in all walks of life. My candidacy is therefore based on the conviction that I can win the election.

I believe that any Providencian aspirant to this important nomination should be willing to submit to the voters his views, record and competence in a series of primary contests. I am therefore now announcing my intention of filing in the June 20th primary and I shall announce my plans with respect to the other primaries as their filing dates approach.

I believe that I have a historic function to perform in the winning of the June 2008 election, incomparable to the failures of the past regime. I intend to do my utmost to see that that victory is won.

For many days, I have been in the service of the United States Military, first as an officer in Lansing and for the recent past as a member of Providence Militia. In the last 2 years, I have traveled in nearly every continent and country--from London to New York, from Tokyo to Sydney. From all of this, I have developed an image of Providence as fulfilling a noble and historic role as the defender of freedom in a time of maximum peril--and of the Providence people as confident, courageous and persevering.

It is with this image that I begin this campaign."