Proposal for a University

Day 1,193, 23:31 Published in India India by Pheenic

I've noticed a lot of new citizens are getting active, which is really nice to see. After two years of being small, we're finally figuring out how to retain the new citizens.

It would make it a lot easier, though, if we had a University. I don't mean a small-scale University with a couple of guides. I mean a big, well-organized University. One that has Professors and IRC classes and well-written guides and easy to understand lessons. One that will teach the new citizens of India how eRepublik works, as well as go more in depth in certain areas.

My idea is for the University to have four beginner classes.

The Classes:

1) eRepublik for Beginners
This class will teach new citizens how to go around eRepublik, like working, training, buying food, and basically, everyday things to keep active. This class will be taught as an IRC class, or just by simply sending easy to read guides, and then answering the new citizens questions (Although the IRC class is more hands on). After graduating from this class, the new citizen can then either go on to more complex classes, or try to venture out into eRepublik on their own.

2) Beginners Politics
This class will teach new citizens (nc's) about politics in eRepublik. Politics is one of the biggest features in eRepublik. This class will show the nc's what politics in eRepublik is like, how it works, and how to get involved. It will teach them about what each of the political party's in India stands for, and how to choose a political party to join wisely (The Professor is to stay strictly neutral on the matter, though). This class will show them if politics is the field for them. It will be taught through the IRC as a mass class, with links to guides being sent out to the nc's through messages in-game.

3) Beginners Military
This class will teach nc's how the military (Battles, fighting, etc.) works in eRepublik. Battles are what eRepublik is designed around. Learing to fight is a very important thing to know, and learning when to fight and at what time you should is as key to prospering in eRepublik. This class will show the nc's how weapons work, how the military module is designed, and the difference between battles. The key to this class is to keep it extremely simple, and easy to understand. It will be taught through the IRC, and messaging in-game.

4) Beginners Economics
This class will teach nc's how the economy works in eRepublik. It will teach them how to run a company, pay your employees, taxes, and more. Economics is a great field to go into in eRepublik. The economic module is always changing, thus making it important for the nc's to master. This is another class that needs to be taught extremely simply, as it can get complicated. It will be taught through the IRC, with messaging in-game, and Professor's personally answering questions.

Those four classes are the starting classes for the University. Afterwards, if is a success, more complicated, in-depth classes can be added for more veteran citizens, and it can become a more all-around University, instead of just something for nc's.

One of the biggest reasons why people quit eRepublik is because they think it is way too complicated. I don't blame them. I know exactly how they feel. eRepublik can be intimidating at first, but if you figure out how the modules work, and how things go on, then it can become extremely fun and enjoyable. The whole point of the University is to make sure the nc's understand how the game works, so that they at least have a chance to succeed.

If everything goes as planned, this will be a huge accomplishment for India. Let's get it done.

Key: NC's=New citizens (In case you missed it in the article)