Prolonged War

Day 662, 23:45 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 23:45 (Sep12) | Day 662 of the New World


Prolonged War
Under former president Emerick's leadership America has come a long way. From being holed up in the fortress state of Florida to driving Indonesia from North America and reconquering a large portion of what was lost. Only a couple of days ago we took the initiative and put unrelenting pressure on the frontlines, taking our enemies by surprise and through unity and our thirst for freedom, liberated much of what was taken by the invaders. Unity has been the main factor in our victories, our new found ability to fight together as one nation was the driving force in all our conquests. Americans followed orders and showed our enemies a new united front, prepared and willing to put differences aside and put the effort necessary for victory on the battlefield. Its pleasing to know how united we have become, to know that so many share the deep patriotism essential for a successful nation.

However recently that unity was disrupted. To some extent it failed. We let our own feelings and what we as individuals thought was important decide where we would fight. Many blatantly disregarded DoD orders (which was posted 3 times in the top five articles) and under the influence of their own thinking and in some instances PEACE propaganda fought in the California battle, a battle Colombia had no way of winning. Our strength was split up our unity broken and thus failure was the result. If Indonesia was the attacking force in California battle then it would make sense, if Hungary was assaulting Cali then the panic and insubordination that led to so much wasted damage would be understandable but its even more ridiculous when the assault came form a little nation called Colombia. We got scared of...Colombia. I hope this has taught us a lesson that wont be soon forgotten. First follow orders and second remain united!

Our recent failure mean one thing and one thing only, a much longer and prolonged war then previously hoped for. The war could have been over in less then a week but instead it'll take much longer then that. PEACE moral is up our enemies have become emboldened once more and we have lost the ever precious initiative. A long road is ahead of us, for a while it seemed that this road was ending that we where reaching the finish line but that was proven to be a mirage. We faced much greater odds before, our enemies where much stronger and our allies much weaker. We stand at a much better position then we did the last time we where on the defense. Our enemies drive for the war? Greed, hunger for land, thirst for power. But we fight for something much more valuable, much more noble, Freedom, Liberty, Peace. Our pursuit of it has been is and always will be unyielding, without end.

I'm sure all know by now that Emerick is no longer our leader, this is unfortunate, he was a great one, one of the best in a long time. A new leader has taken command Gaius Julius is our new president. Gaius is a very experienced player with varied and deep knowledge of politics, national economy and waging war. As we have followed Emerick and put our trust in him let it be so also with Gaius Julius. He will need it.

Long live America.
-Ingo Castilho-

Editor's Corner - Epidemic
The lack of citizen involvement in our nation is a quiet epidemic

Increasingly, we are not living up to our responsibilities as citizens.
Our lack of involvement is widespread. Everyday we hear of government, media, party, military, or business actions (or inactions) that cause us concern. But we do nothing about them.

Each nation faces economic, social, security, educational, and legal challenges. But solutions to these challenges are more effective if a greater number of citizens become effectively involved.

Too many good people do nothing.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

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TIPS: For New Citizens

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DoD Orders

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Simple Question: What Did Mexico Get in Selling Out to Colombia?

Best regards,
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter
Nero Preto ~ publishing editor