Project Mayhem? Holiday who-be-whattie? (Day 1,030)

Day 1,030, 14:17 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence
This is a copy/paste of my post in congress:

I’d like to chime in on this.

I am not involved in any PTO of eCanada.

I am not a co-conspirator in any alleged plot by jbdivinus.

I have been burned by jbdivinus in the past, people are highly aware of his PP victory in the CPF, it was akin to his PP victory in DAL however it was a much bigger deal when it was DAL because that is just the nature of this country.

I am aware that jb was cooking up a project to build a small network of people that would be the decision makers for a group of nations. I was invited to participate in this group. I am aware that Rolo was invited to participate in this group.

I spoke to Rolo about this invitation and what it meant.

To be completely candid, neither Rolo nor I wanted to get “jb’d” and we didn’t trust jb’s motives either. However, as PP’s of DAL, CEP and CPF we did confer during the lead-up to the congressional elections and made sure that we weren’t “fighting over scraps”. We took the candidates that we had running and “gave” each other as many regions as possible and established “battleground” regions where voter turnout and strategic voting would determine the winner.

The CPF only won four seats, how the heck am I involved in a PTO plot when the CPF gets a piss-poor showing?

Also, look at the CP elections, the CPF didn’t even nominate a guy in game. If I was so deep into this scheme don’t you think I would have made sure that Rolo got in?

Rolo is the victim of being invited to jb’s latest plan to take over the world. Rolo is also guilty of back-room politics, which every PP is guilty of, as he co-ordinated the CEP campaing for congress. Rolo is also guilty of glad-handing, which every CP candidate is guilty of, during his campaign for CP.

I think this whole thing has been completely blown out of proportion. I also think that Rolo has left himself vulnerable to something like this by not having someone in his office release info in the media from time to time with respect to how his term is progressing.

end of post.

I find it appalling that Wes Lewis would so prominently raise outlandish claims and cite me in it and not even have the common courtesy to talk to me about it.

This is a witch hunt, that is all it is, and Rolo should not be impeached.

SaraDroz has been two-clicking for three months and now she rides in at the front of lynch-mob? Shameless self-promotion. Don't be surprised to see another CP run by this Mistress of Fail.

Actually, this whole scenario doesn't surprise me, this is typical eCanada when their isn't war to fight, we find ways to go to war against ourselves.

I guess we will never learn.


Addy Lawrence

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Addy's your daddy!!!