Project for Arab Stability...

Day 1,378, 20:21 Published in Saudi Arabia Egypt by Arab League

with 8 months of existance, the Arab states have failed to achieve a proper country, and this is partially due to Babyboom, but also for having Huge resources that made Larger and Stronger states hoping to get some of these regions...

With the Invasion of Israel to Saudi Arabia, to Protect UAE, then Iran, Bulgaria and Greek's intervention in Saudi Arabia, to "Protect the Lands", it has been one country after the other staying in the lands under the name of Protecting the Arabs.

Greece has stated it will be renting regions from Egypt, and is seeking Mutual peacefull relations, but was turned bad, and led to the complete invasiono f Egypt + Saudi Arabia.

Iran seeking Saudi regions, led to the agreement of Renting these regions, then Iran was seeking to Grab some valuable resources in Egypt, and aimed to grab more regions and to connect the regions.

Macedonia decided to Kick out the invading countries, and intervened in the region too, with Alliances with Egypt, and the Arab Confederation.

Cyprus was planning on Renting Sinai for a Very Long period, but was delayed due to previous invasions.

Bottom line... is... ALL of Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran, Macedonia and Israel have expressed their interest in Keeping the Arab World safe, and each trying to protect it from their Natural Enemies...

so i propose the following...

Signing the Following Protection Treaty...

Article 1-
Agreement of maintaining Neutral Relations With All Three Arab States, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Arab Republic of Egypt (referred to as Arab States).

Article 2-
The Agreement of Not Intervening Militarily in the previously Mentioned States.

Article 3-
Ignoring the creation of the Arab states during the Cross Continental Campaigns, as if they were not created, and moving around these states.

Article 4-
The agreement of not involving the Arab states into internal conflicts, and foreign conflicts.

Article 6-
The agreement of having Neutral relations with all Political parties in the Arab states, and its Ethnic groups.

Article 7-
The assistance of the three states in growing, to achieve self protection, in any mean the signers of this treaty agree on.

Article 8-
The Immediate retreat from ALL Arab original regions, and go back to the January 2011 Borders.

Article 8- This Treaty will expire in 1 year, and is not to be amended during this year.

Naturally This Treaty can be fixed by the agreeing members.
i hope the Cabinet and leaders of the Mediteranean, and Middle East can agree on such treaty, and find the will to sign this treaty to show their good will