Project 27

Day 510, 00:35 Published in Estonia Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

So with the Party Presidential elections coming up soon, the day after is when people can declare themselves a Congressional candidate. As we all know, the most important election for a new country, and one they must win, are the Congressional ones. I know there is uncertainty, or questions about whether we're being targeted or not. I'm operating under the assumption that all new countries should be operating under, we are. If someone is planning to TO us, they're not going to tell us 3 weeks before they do it, we just have to be prepared for it. If there isn't an organized attempt to PTO us, great, if there is we're ready. Knowing this, I'm proposing the following strategy, to protect ourselves from a political takeover.

First off, this is assuming that our candidates win the PP elections coming up soon. Second, this proposal includes the Republic of Estonia party. I am accepting their rhetoric at face value, and am in good faith believing what they say to be true, that they are here to help. If they work with everyone in these upcoming elections, it will go a long way to convincing other's as well. It's imperative that we work together, we can have time for partisanship later.

Ok then, s33vald and Tonos (or whomever), won their respective PP races, what now? Well devising a strategy to win congressional elections is an immediate goal, in fact we should already have strategies devised. Saying, "oh I have friends that are willing to help" won't do us any good, if we're not organized, and if we're not working together. There will be 40 congressional seats that will be up for grabs, 7 in each region with 5 wild cards, we need 21 at the very least to make sure we don't lose our money. Now while 21 somewhat protects our economy, it's not a president proof congress, so this is where the number 27 comes into play. What I'm proposing, is that instead of trying to get 40 into congress, we only focus on 27. Granted we definitely want all the seats, but we're small, so we must focus our manpower to get the absolute minimum. This means that egos will have to be put in check, because we will fail if they're not.

Now, before I present how I suggest we try and get to that magical number 27, let's examine the popular method of PTO's (again this is assuming that we've won the PP elections, or if we haven't we were able to create new ones to get our candidates listed):

The first way is the party creation technique. This method creates a party from scratch, 40 gold being an acceptable loss, because the Reward would be 1000. With this method, they can control their own candidates, and not have to worry about the local political leaders mucking up their plan by picking someone else over your candidate that they want in.

The second way, is the Party Infiltration (or sniping) technique: For your strapped for cash Political take-over squads. This method relies on the lack of organization of the party being infiltrated, or the lack of opposing numbers, so there's fewer people to put up as candidates to block theirs. It saves them the 40 gold, and if done right, it's more net profit for the evil bastards.

Now, as it stands, the Republic of Estonia party doesn't even have 40 members to propose as candidates, so they're a possible candidate for type 2 scenario, but because there's only 2 parties in Estonia, it's also highly likely that we will see option one. In a perfect world everyone who is here for the best interests of Estonia would have waited until after the PP elections to create a party, it would save 40 gold, and give PTOers less of an opportunity to screw us on multiple fronts, since we have two, we must work with what we have and involve both parties. Now with two different possible avenues of attack, it's best to devise a strategy that will put up a reasonable defense against both of them, and I have just such an idea. Since Regions don't matter much in Congressional elections, numbers do, and since, as a congressional candidate, you don't even have to be living in the region that you're running from the day of the election, I suggest that we split up 4 of the 5 regions amongst the 2 parties. Before you all go away, and shout "That Gate's is one crazy Mofo" Here's why, if a candidate from an approved party runs in a region that is not a region of focus for his/her party, it will be easily recognizable. By splitting up the regions we also eliminate competition amongst the two parties, ensuring that we're not taking seats and votes away from real eEstonians, and thus, giving us a better shot at 27.

My suggestion is that we split up the 4 regions as follows, Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond, as the larger party would focus on 3 regions, with the goal of 20 seats, and Repulic of Estonia would focus on 1 region with the goal of 7 seats. So in the assigned region, we will run the maximum amount of candidates in that region (7), and will only run the candidates the PP approved. Then from there you can have volunteer candidates run in the other regions to try and max out those regions for their parties, (preferably people with high exp) to prevent an option 2 scenario as much as possible, but these candidates will still vote for an approved candidate in a region of focus for the main parties (yes that means that they will not vote for themselves, and most likely will not vote for a candidate in the region they are running for). This way, even if we don't get the word out to everyone who is eEstonian, we can hope they at least vote for the right party in that region, and with ties going to higher XP, it gives us another possible avenue to explore. Also, these backup candidates will come-in handy in the 11th hour, if a certain race proves to be too unmanageable, or we're at least guaranteed a couple of wild cards, we might be able to reverse snipe a few of these backwater seats.

Now on to the numbers: In my suggestion, the Sotsiaaldemokraatik Erakond focuses on 3 regions with the goal of 20 candidates, with a party size of 57, that means for 20 candidates there is 2.85 party members, so roughly 2-3 votes in party for each candidate, and the Republic of Estonia party, with currently 22 members, focusing on one region with the goal of 7 seats, that's 3.14 votes per candidate. I believe this is a strong base to work from, and about as good as we can get at our current size. If we can get outside assistance, it will be all the more to our benefit to be completely organized and working as one unit , so we can tell them quickly and efficiently where to vote.

Now, as far as, waiting until the last possible moment to vote, vs voting right away, I seriously think we should explore that option. I understand that not everyone can wait until a minute before reset to vote, but we should have a voters' registration list(I can organize it if you'd like, or if you'd prefer this in the hands of a more trustworthy individual I'll be happy to assist them). This is how it would work, we post a form on our forums, for our Estonian voters to fill out (even non-Estonian Estonia sympathizers can be included). On this questionnaire it will have the latest possible time that you would be available to vote and that you can guarantee that you will be on at that time to receive instructions (activity is key here). We can then create a schedule of how many votes we have available and at what times, send out the instructions 10-15 minutes before the allotted time, of where we could use your vote. Now, since we don't have government funds, it will be hard to supply tickets to everyone, but they could be donated, but self-purchasing would be appreciated. Sure this will come down to being somewhat objective, and the persons being extremely active on that day, but it's something else we can try and I'm more than willing to do my part.

I want everyone who is reading this to realize this is just a suggestion, but it's one IMO, that gives us the best possible chance of securing ourselves politically and economically, any suggestions to improve this plan, or a suggestion of an alternate plan, would be greatly appreciated.

It's going to be a tough battle, but remember, they have to come up with as many votes as we have +1, so the more use we get out of our vote, the tougher it will be for them.

United together for a secure Estonia.

Sorry, for the wall of text, it's 330 am where I'm writing, I'll reformat it some tomorrow, hope you enjoy.