Progress in Rumah Anak YAtim

Day 995, 06:30 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by OPMM Wingman

From CEO of Rumah Anak YAtim
Donation List Report until Day Day 995 at 0600H

Firstly, We would like to thanks to those who are supporting our organization.
This is our latest financial report.

Current Account:
GOLD (6)
PHP (5.70)
BRL (0.70)
RUB (5.00)
MYR (243.31)

Current Inventory:
Moving Ticket (7)
Rifle (14)

Weekly Donator:
Pawness (MYR 20)
Elijah Abbot (MYR 24.45)
Wingman Hamallee (MYR 32.10)
Nippon Investment Group (2 MT and 5 Rifle)

Donation to Citizen
Charles Brooke (4 Food)
Asyraf Ramli ( 3 Rifle and 1 Gold)
Red Pixie ( 1 Moving Ticket)
Buntak Dayung Bluesavvy ( 1 Gold)


To all citizens, we hope you can donate us for more on GOLD, RIFLE, and MONEY. We want to buy more MT and Rifle. We also want to buy more food stock. Hope citizen can help us. Your donation will used to help other citizen. Also please ask your friends to add us as their friend.
Thank You



Chief Executive Officer
Wingman Hamallee

Secretary / Administration Officer
Buntak Dayung Bluesavvy

Treasury / Spokesperson


Kindly PM Rumah Anak YAtim for any question. Also PM us if need some help. We will help you as much as we can. We are not to take over Social Office work but we are actually Non-Government Organization (NGO)
If you need help, Just PM us with this form template:

Name :
Level in Game:
How we can help you:

This (PM) is only for record purpose.

Prepared by
Wingman Hamallee
Chief Exacutive Officer
Rumah Anak YAtim