PROGRESS: How everything changes (or not)

Day 1,157, 04:08 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Cast your minds back to a few months ago. With growing disbelief at what was termed "cyclical" warfare, the alliance of Phoenix collapsed, with members fleeing what they perceived to be a setup where their interests where ignored, at the expense of a few countries fighting the same fight every 48 hours.

In that time, what have we seen?

To be blunt, all that has changed are the names involved in cyclic warfare.







So, Charlie Brown, what have we learned? The problem is not that alliances are euro-centric, nor is the problem that alliances don't/didn't/won't care. The problem is, simply, that the balance of power is at present, not skewed enough to one side of the conflict, so there won't be an end to the cyclic nature of war; there will just be a different war cycling from time to time.

Why do we have cyclic warfare? Because;
- We don't have one side crippled by mistrust, greed or lack of funds.
- We don't have huge countries constantly invading their smaller neighbours
- We have hugely organised, well funded and dedicated armies on both sides

In short, it isn't anyones fault, or doing that has caused cyclic warfare. Both EDEN, and Phoenix countries have got good at war, after years of fighting, so neither side has the capability to emphatically win anymore.

If you want things to change, then stop hedging your alliance bets and hoping you'll eventually last longer than your opponents. Take a chance, cut loose your fear of being branded a traitor, and don't be afraid to tell someone that you won't be funding a doomed campaign to try and conquer a country which is the most powerful country on eRepublik. Anyone who knows anything about the current stalling of new alliances will know exactly what I mean, and who I am referring to.

Lots of love,
A guy who can't wait to see the next unending war