Privateers Recruiting

Day 1,423, 05:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Eno Live

Become a part of our unique military unit that encourages personal development not only on the battle field but also in the commerce section of the game as well.

We have two sectors in the unit
You’re free to work where you wish for the top wage, so that you can save up and build your own company empire.
Work in the Unit’s Weapons Firm for 5 GBP and 6 Tanks a day which are sent out in arrears of work at 10 am the following day if you have worked (Only Unit Workers. Limited places are on a first come first gets basis and 2 day inactive work ruling)the 10 extra are sold of to buy the raw.

We don’t have a food program as wellness can be achieved by your own means with ease as if you save the gold that is given in game you can get the food companies you need to self supply within 6 months of playing

We also don’t affiliate ourselves with any political party as this could create a military junta, but you are free to have your own personal ties to them, nor are we affiliated with the national armed forces and view ourselves as a private external extension, that in times of real need the nation can call upon us and at other times aid our more needy allies as well on occasions the more amiable ones in their times of need also.

Such a shame you can’t rape and pillage on this game

We do have an external forum that does have a few things on from time to time, plus it also has a chatbox option upon it but it’s not obligatory that you use it

Main targets and tactics are posted via the Units message board on a daily basis so you’re almost always in the know of where the nation needs you to fight.
The Privateer insignia

The Privateers Wiki

So come and grab a barrel of rum and join us in a few shanties as we dance on the corpses of our foes.