Day 1,247, 03:04 Published in Greece Greece by KillOthers

President of Germany:Hangs Agil

1) Your country is member of Terra.Are you happy from that alliance?
I'm happy to be in's not easy but it begin to run

2)Your country haven't NE.Why in your opinion is that happen?
Our only option is Poland...but I'm not a suicide bomber

3)If you decide to have an enemy which country would you choose?
I will chooose Switzerland

4)Germany doesn't have many population. Are you planing a baby boom?
He have no chance to get a's impossible

5)What oponion is having the German people about Greece?
We are friends in rl..sometimes a few bad jokes appear (about finances) but we like Greece 🙂

6)What are you planing to do to get the raw materials that your country need?
Without Firepower wwe have no chance

7) Many countries have the control of German regions. What will you do for that?
We are not happy about it but another agreement with Poland were same we trying to find another solution

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