Price list of the world, part 1

Day 1,672, 12:19 Published in Bulgaria Pakistan by Kevin Bartholomew

Hi again,

I decided to start a project called "price list of the world."
Basically, all the prices below are the maximum prices the bot is buying for in each country. For instance, if you're living in Albania you are going to sell for the prices next to your country's flag. Non citizens of Albania are not going to sell for the mentioned price. These prices are not right if you're exporting items to Albania.

Since this is the first article, and I don't know if people are interested, I decided to only post countries starting with a, b, c and d. From Albania to Denmark in other words.

The prices are calculated via a formula you can find in some of my other articles.

There's absolutely no guarantee that the bot will buy your items but he should.

Feel free to send a PM if you've any tips regarding the design.