Previously Dead Rockstars Found Still Alive on Island in South Pacific

Day 586, 12:36 Published in USA USA by Vincent Truglia

Shocking news is coming out of the south pacific as we speak. Its seem that previously thought dead musicians Elvis, Kurt Cobain, Christopher Wallace (Notorious B.I.G), Jim Morrison and Bob Marley were all found living and on an island a few hundred miles off the coast of Fiji.

It all started with a plane crash. Flight 815 went down several months ago while flying from Sydney to Los Angeles. The plane was thought Lost and its passengers believed dead.
A few weeks ago a private corporation that wishes to remain anonymous was still out there searching for the wreckage when they picked up a signal from the planes black box. It is still unclear as to why this transmission was not picked up previously.

Once they got the coordinates of the location of the plane they raced to the island in hopes of finding survivors.

“When we first landed on the Island we didn’t see anything, we had hopes that there might be signal fires to lead us right to them. But no markers at all. So we went inland to search. But what we did find when we got more inland was an entire camp of people. They seemed to be doing alright. They were hunting for food and picking fruit. The survivors of flight 815 weren’t doing too bad for themselves. “
But that wasn’t all the Captain had to tell us.

“Well when we came up on them at first they were cautious, you would have figured a welcoming party or hugs or something but they wanted to make sure we were who we said we were. After we brought all the survivors back onto the ship a few more of the crew members, scientists mostly, wanted to explore the island. They still refuse to tell us what or how but when they came back to the ship they were heavy 5 men. I tell you they looked as if they hadn’t aged a day. I thought they were ghosts at first.”

The Captain went on tell us that Elvis had lost weight and was looking better then when he died. He also told me that they didn’t want to come home at first. They were scared of something. Very scared. They all carried Guitars except for Biggy who just had a pad and an old walkman.

From the Reports it seems that none of them know how they got there. The report from all five are similar. Elvis was on the toilet then the next thing he knew he woke up alone on The Island. They were all alone and then just woke up on the Island.

Except for Biggy. He says he remembers being shot but thats about all.

Very exciting stuff here. We'll keep you posted as more details come out.