Presidents of eWorld express views about eRepublic of Macedonia 2!

Day 1,030, 12:16 Published in Serbia North Macedonia by MakedonecMKD

This was the previous article about adding Republic of Macedonia on the map of eRepublik. In this one, I, MakedonecMKD made this list of CP which agree (or disagree) about adding Macedonia. The first part about express views on the CP of countries about Macedonia was made by Ivan Vancho Makedonski and Kole of Lerin I asked all presidents of countries in the ''New World'' and in this moment got 29 answers!

Here they are:

* The Serbian President, EternalFlameOfFreedom speaking on behalf of eSerbia.
''Yes I support adding Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to be added to this brave New World as soon as possible. In addition, there are many players from Macedonia that are playing this game for a long time and they are to long without there own country, for what they did in past to our community in eRepublik they deserve the right to be proud citizens of Republic eMacedonia (i know the issue regarding it's name in RL but truth is that mechanism of eRepublik does not represent full length names, they all should have name what they want, Republic Macedonia).''

* The Romanian President, Vlad Sabau speaking on behalf of eRomania.
''Hello! Well in my opinion I don't see any reason why your country shouldn't be added to the game. I known you have enough players so thats a good thing.

I known your history and I known that you are not the old macedonians, but now we leave in the present and that's it.

I wish you good luck in adding you country to the new world.

Have a nice day!
Vlad Sabau ''

* The South Korean President, Veritas Causidicus speaking on behalf of eSouth Korea.
''There is no good reason for the Republic of Macedonia not to be added as a nation after how vocal and persistent its players have been in their desire for it.''

* The Iranian President, xerxesll speaking on behalf of eIran.
''I believe that the people from all around the world should represent their country and their culture here in erepublik,Macedonia,Palestine,Armenia,....and we ll support you and ur country for sure''

* The French President, Yakou speaking on behalf of eFrance.
''Since the first day in this game, i don't understantd why some countries can't play with their nationality.

In eEurope, Macedonians or Bosnians may be consider in same population.

So i support you're request and hope that you can find a way to have youre countries.''

* The Bolivian President, fanasimpson speaking on behalf of eBolivia.
''In Bolivia We support the Macedonia´s born. We think that this new world new countries with very big communities like Macedonia´s have. We say YES ''

* The Mexican President, Xipetotec speaking on behalf of eMexico.
''I see very favorable that all countries are represented in eRepublik. I've specially followed Macedonian efforts regarding the addition of your country to eRep. We fully support this motion.

Best regards.
Xipetotec ''

* The Israeli President, Aeroner speaking on behalf of eIsrael
"Well, FYROM, is recognized in real-life by the United Nations, albeit some naming disputes. Greece and FYROM still hold close ties in RL, even while the dispute about the name continues, and you guys already seem to have a pretty strong following within eRepublik already, so I don't know what the problem is with allowing you guys to have a country. The worse that can happen is that tensions flare up between you and Greece, but still, you remain close in RL, why does it have to be any different in-game?

I support FYROM"

* The Japanese President, Sugawara Michizane speaking on behalf of eJapan.
''I'm all for creating new nations in eRepublik. If there is a dedicated player base who will move there, and people who will possibly start playing eRepublik in that nation, then that's great.

I wish you the best, eMacedonia. ''

* The Malaysian President, borissajkas speaking on behalf of eMalaysia.
''offcourse I want Macedonia to be added on the map of the ''New World''. I know that many Macedonians play eRepublik, and I know how much they are fighting to get their country, because I was helping them in the fight too...''

* The Paraguayan President, punta speaking on behalf of eParaguay.
''Personaly im agree on adding macedonia. I think all my country thinks same; paraguay was on lastests countries on being created.

Macedonian comunity is enougth big to have own country, and probably become bigger. When paraguay was born only was 1 active paraguayan player. Almost all players are rl paraguayans.

In southamerica there are moderated comunities or Dominican Republik, Costa Rica, and Ecuador. Sure you can press admins all joined. A lot of time without adding new countries

Also i remember petitions about Egypt, and Malta (but i think admins will not create Malta).

Punta ''

* The Colombian President, Powercol speaking on behalf of eColombia.
''Hi (first of all sorry for my bad english)

ive seen the macedonian comunnity strugle for a long time to see its nation in the game, Colombia had the same problem a long time ago and i know its so frustrating to be "homeless" in the new world, i know Macedonia is a RL country and it has a huge comunity in the game, so i dont see any reason for it to not be as a country here.

I fully support the macedonian comunity in its pursue for their home in the game, anything you need just ask ''

* The Slovakian President, smrtan speaking on behalf of eSlovakia.

IMHO Macedonia should be added as soon as possible. Same as Belarous and few other countries with big ingame community.

with regards

* The Denmark President, Mr. Naizugai speaking on behalf of eDenmark.
''I would fully support adding the Republic of Macedonia to the New World. When thinking about it, I find it ridiculous that eRepublik Labs haven't added countries like Macedonia yet, because I myself would never have considered playing eRepublik if Denmark was not present.

So in short, Erepublik Labs are shooting themselves in the foot by not adding Macedonia.''

* The Irish President, Nogin the nog speaking on behalf of eIreland.

We have discussed a similar topic before about Iceland, and feel that as this is supposed to be a community game, involving people from all social backgrounds & religions it is only fair that every real world nationality is given the chance to represent itself in the erepublik world.

Unfortunately there are those that will seek to take over and destroy smaller country's for their own gain, but this is where the strength of the small country's can be seen, by forming alliances and social & economic ties with people with similar problems they can overcome this hurdle and grow to be a formidable influence on much larger country's.


(Nogin the Nog)

CP of Ireland.''

* The Italian President, Scoundrel speaking on behalf of eItaly.
''I've always supported Macedonia''

* The Singapore President, Teh You Jing speaking on behalf of eSingapore.
''Sure. Why not? Once upon a time, Singapore was just a dream. Such a small nation couldn't be one of those who can make it to the game where there are others bigger who haven't made it right? But in February 2009, that dream came true, and RL Singaporeans flocked to eRepublik, helped out by non-RL veterans.

As a RL citizen of the nation which I've waited for months to be introduced into the game, I definitely support the Republic of Macedonia to be added. ''

* The Belgian President, Theneka speaking on behalf of eBelgium.
''Well, first of all, I'd support any nation that wants to have it's independant country, as far as that is possible. So yes, I support the eMacedionian idea

Secondly, I don't realy have much of an idea what difference it would make for the global community of eRep if eMacedionia would be added, so that means there are probably no negative effects on it, and thus no reason not to do, except for the fact that the admins are way to lazy xD''

* The Ukrainian President, Damil speaking on behalf of eUkraine.
'' I fully support the idea of adding your country and not only Republic of Macedonia, but also other countries that have not yet been added to the game.''

* The Norway President, Freke speaking on behalf of eNorway.
''In general, I support any real life nations which currently are without a presence in eRepublik to be added, if there is a certain interest for it.''

* The Bosnian President, Admir M speaking on behalf of eB&H.
''Well why not, we almost have all ex Yu republics here so Macedonia deserve it to play with us! Of course I support you guys and I hope that you will success asap...

Admir M ''

* The Hungarian President, Nalaja speaking on behalf of eHungary.
''My dear friend, here is my answer: of course I support the idea of eMacedonia in erep.

Nalaja ''

* The Croatian President, dSoKre speaking on behalf of eCroatia.
''It would be great having Macedonia in eRepublik World''

* The Lithuanian President, Nexrow speaking on behalf of eLithuania.

I have seen quite a few of your people trying to get your country into the game for a while now. I think you should have the right to have your own country and I support your wish. Good luck.

Nexrow ''

* The Peru President, Requel speaking on behalf of ePeru.
''I think that each and every country which has community in erep should be added ''

* The Pakistani President, Agabey speaking on behalf of ePakistan.
''Dear MakedonecMKD,

I fully support the adding of Republic of Macedonia to this game and I admire the whole eMacedonian community for their struggle and commitment to the independence of their country. You are a true role model to all the oppressed unrecognized nations in the eWorld!

You have my solidarity both as a private person and as a president, I wish you good luck and never give up! Add Macedonia!

Agabey ''

* The Argentinian President, Barbak speaking on behalf of eArgentina.
''Every nation who has a community deserves to have it own country and territory. Macedonia should be added.

That's what i think

Good luck''

* The Thailand President, Luthfisnet speaking on behalf of eThailand.
''If you already have enough citizens that registered here from real life Macedonian, then I am supporting you all. At least 100 citizen so that u can prevent PTO. Don't be like Thailand, their RL gov ban eRepublik so that no RL thai here. Because of that thai is easy to get PTO.''

* The Swedish President, Pafepo speaking on behalf of eSweden.
''If a RL-country has a player base to support the creation of the country I see no objections why not to add it to the game. Therefore I say that I support your efforts, but I would say the same to any country coming to me asking the question no matter who they were, if they filled the criteria I just mentioned then it's all good to me.''

You see admin, we have the support from the CP of countries in the ''New World''. Now, the rest is on you!

Yours truly,