Presidential Update

Day 1,021, 12:50 Published in Belgium Belgium by Theneka

I would like to start with thanking all the people that voted me, and especialy the PP's of BfB and BCP for supporting my candidacy for CP. I hope that we can, all together, work on our glorious country eBelgium 🙂

It doesn't matter that we all have a different ideology, we can all together work towards a better future. Evrything has it's mistakes or weaknesses, and most of those ideologies have a great deal of positive and strong things. I would like to call on all eBelgian citizens to come active on our forum so that all players can have their say and ideas posted.

The first task of the Country President is ofcorce to make a cabinet. I've been working on this yesterday and today, and I've gotten some reactions already, and I'm awaiting the other replies.
The part of my cabinet that has been confirmed already is this:

Minister of Foreighn Affairs: Habraka Abrivianius
Minister of Home Affairs and State Companies: A Vegan
Minister of Defense/Chief General of the military: Thore Thoreson

I've asked HuCard if he wants to be Minister of Finances and Economy again, and I'm awaiting his reply. I'm still looking for someone that wants to be Congress Representative in the Gov, thought this has to be debated on first, you can find the post here. I've asked Sammy and MaryamQ to do this, but other people might be interested too 🙂

On ONE and war

First I'd like to ask all of you to subscribe to the ONE paper, so that you can vote and read it's articles.

Atm, ONE does not have an official siggy yet. We are working on it, but if you can do some photoshop, feel free to give it a try!!

I've been granted acces to the ONE (Order of Nations of eRepublik) private forum, and together with Rangeley, chief of ONE we have set up a Private ONE chanel for MoFA's and CP's (and representatifs) to chat in private.
You are all welcome to join the official ONE forum and come to chat in their IRC chanel: irc://
I have contacted different CP's concerning the possible war that we might be organising, and I'm going to look into our financial situation to see if we can organise a war ourself, without much need of direct support, outside of MPP's. I've asked Habraka to talk with the USA to see if they are interested, as we would need a strong MPP if we'd organise a Training War.

I've asked Thore Thoreson to take the duty on him to go out and fight and see how our military should function in this new version. I've asked Stilpo to join him with that, and we are still looking for people that want to fight (you do NOT have to have a hight military rank, but you should preferably not be in congress, and are active, using IRC). You should mail me or Thore with aplications. They will be fighting where possible, and have to write/find a good manual and way to work for our soldiers.

I've contacted Tim Veltkamp, the newly elected CP of the eUNL to see how our relations with them are, and have asked they are willing to cooperate with us, and forget the blunder of their last president, Garmr.

I have also been contacted by the Czech Communist Party - ML who have delivered the CP in the Czech Republik, Utku Akin. They are in ONE too, and they have offered their international solidarity and help towards our nation. I've also been in contact with the CP of Singapore and Austria.

As you see, I've had quite a buisy day, but I'm happy to have been granted the honor of working as CP for belgium, and I hope that you will keep supporting me 🙂

Thank you to all voters, thanks to the people that have accepted their post in the gov, and I hope we can make this a good term.

A happy new Country President