Presidential Update - Day 661

Day 661, 21:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

A little bad news today Ireland but a little bit of good news as well.

Today I was alerted by Kolshire ( forum administrator and IRC op) that someone has let Mannimarco back onto the forum and IRC. Mannimarco has been banned from Ireland for his heinous crimes of treason when he supported the coup. This breach is not acceptable and Kolshire has re banned Mannimarco from the forum. Alarmingly enough , Kolshire informed me only two people have administrative power on the forum, himself and Top Gun.Kolshire said it is possible he made some mistake but does not think it is likely. Keep in mind Im not throwing mud. Kolshire has informed me Top Gun is the only other person with the power to do this. I will not say anything else until Top Gun can respond.

The good news is the Dail has finished discussion on the repealing of the immigration act. The vote is now taking place at Hopefully we can solve this problem at let these immigrants become citizens.

Also today I had a meeting with our MoD Grainne. It was very productive and the IDF is on its way to becoming better equipped and organized. She has appointed e😜resident Nithraldur as her CoS, together with Digits (co Finance Minister ) they are working together to get the IDF situated.