Presidential Statement: Education, Sufficiency, and Strength Training

Day 824, 16:57 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

New Education Program

The United States has a new education program that can be found on the eusforum. This program and much of the material it is offering was also offered by the Federalist Party. When I recognized the quality and care put into this program, I immediately decided the best course of action was to steal it and claim all the credit for it!!! Not really, actually Dr. Tango and fingerguns were extremely helpful and willing to hand over this information in an attempt to better the lives of every citizen. While not offering the same material as say NAU, it does provide the basic info necessary for every new player in the game to have a solid understanding of how to play and survive. I encourage every American citizen to pm Fionia and offer her advice on what the Department of Education can do to make this program even better. Visit the link below to see the new education materials:,227.0.html

Military Self Sufficiency

In the past two weeks Max McFarland has been hard at work buying and upgrading companies for the United States Armed Forces. Already spending in excess of 3000 gold the military is already on its way and should be nearing complete sufficiency within the next two weeks. What does this mean? It means that the military will get more guns at an even cheaper rate. It also means that more guns and guns of higher quality will be available to America's fighting men and women allowing them to rank up faster and cheaper than ever before. I personally want to give a big hand to Max McFarland. Time and time again during the course of the past two weeks he has gone beyond the call of duty and this is another fine example of that.

Strength Training & Militias

A few days ago I introduced two proposals in front of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Congress. The Militia proposal will provide basic guidelines for militias and paramilitary squads to follow in order to receive funding from the Federal government. If any of these groups violate these guidelines, their funding would be pulled. I and others in my administration see militias as a powerful retention tool for the average citizen and I want to do everything in my power to keep them active and involved.

My second proposal involves strength training. Although ranking is an essential part of any soldier's career, we also have to consider the effect that strength has on every battle. Some of our enemies pay for their soldiers strength training. Strength wins battles and that cannot be denied. Unlike guns it is also something permanent. If you devote gold to your strength it is something that will never go away and will always be there for you and your country. Following this train of thought I have proposed a test program for 20 soldiers that will meet a strength requirement to be determined by the JCS and Congress. It will provide half of the gold necessary for them to train at 200%. They will have to provide the other half. They must be both highly active and willing to be fully forthright in their expenses. I hope it gets approved and we can start using Lana to our advantage.