Presidential Speech

Day 1,355, 17:29 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

As the newly elected president of Switzerland, I’d like to greet the good folks of our country and also to say thank you to everyone who supported my candidation. It is not an easy time when I get the chance to serve my fellow citizens, but I’ll try my best to navigate our country safely through these stormy times.

I would like to keep myself to the principles I wrote about a few days ago in my program. But we can not achieve every goal at once, so I had to choose priorities. If you allow me, I’ll briefly explicate the most important and urgent goals that we’ll have to reach in the first half of my term, as soon as possible.

Government staff

President: Berengar
Military:: zRTx
Economy: F4uc0n
Foreign Affairs: Xeraes (not confirmed)
National Security:: Paul Proteus

Military: task is to keep the Battle orders up to date, later this month to keep in contact with military units cooperate with their leaders and organize supplies. May get an under secretary if ammount of work require it.

Economy: task is to handle SCB, regulate tax policies, and be present on the monetary market to control prices. I amassed the title of MoE and chairman of SCB as it was practically the same guy in the last term too, and a MoE with no access to funds has too limited room to act. May get an under secretary if the ammount of work require it.

Foreign Affairs: task is to represent the country both in protocollar messages and diplomatic negotiations. He’s also in charge of hiring and coordinating ambassadors, and collecting their reports.

National Security: task is to contact and background check applicants for Swiss citizenship, and cooperate with congress members regarding immigration. Also has to follow all elections and check candidates to minimize TO or multi threat. Has to report to the President.

+1 Vice President: I’d like to introduce the custom that if someone seriously would run for presidency should first be VP for a term. This way all president will be absolutely clear on the given situation.


1. Constitution

Last month’s events showed us what problems it may cause when we have institutions but no regulations for them. A constitution could be the answer to such issues. As you’re reading this I already submitted a draft for debate to the forum of the congress where they’ll have five days to discuss the details. Then we shall have a voting about it.

2. Federal Translation Bureau

As I promised, I’ll try to include translations for at least official announcements. For starter we’ll have French and German included, starting with this article, so I urge everyone to volunteer at the forums.

3. Revisit taxation, stabilize monetary

We’ll constantly monitor prices and payments and will try to adapt to the changing situation. Meanwhile we’ll try to stabilize the monetary, and assure there’ll be enough CHF in the system to satisfy the demand.

4. Military Units activity

I’ll contact all Swiss M.U. leaders as well as forum administrators, to provide a subforum for every unit at, also recommend an achievement system to use. Furtherly I’ll urge them to register their unit at page.

5. Diplomacy

I had plans to start negotiations with Slovenia, to swap Romandie for Svizzera Italiana and Graubunden, as they wouldn’t miss those two regions, but for us two is much more.. Alas the international situation is changing quite rapidly with foreign forces successfully liberating Deutscherschweiz earlier today, and are attacking Graubunden as I’m writing this report. We’ll keep following the unfolding events and study our diplomatic possibilities. These hazardous actions resulted in Slovenia NEing us in just a few minutes. Our congress also started NE voting, so for now be prepared.

Also as I mentioned in a previous article all money can be handed back to SCB account this term, as it will probably be accepted in the constitution too. As F4uc0n already has access to the bank, congressman ArsonicZinc started a donation proposal with my knowledge and consent. I strongly recommend all congressmen to vote yes to the proposal!

President of eSwitzerland