Presidential Report

Day 3,356, 17:21 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by flo rida20

hello to all dear friends,citizens,fighters of my country Netherlands
i wish a good day/night for you
why am i righting this article?
because i promised to do something at the biginning of my term
but what happned to them?
that's the reason for publishing this article,i wanna talk with you about them

these are the work that i promised to do:

P.S:this is official gov chat (ingame)

let's see what we did,huh?

first of al is that TW and also the most important thing. we (me and my friends in gov) tried to find a partner for TW. but we found NOBODY. and after a while Sweden attacked us and it could have 2 faces. first one is a real war we could spend so much money on it but second one,we finally found a country that was free and wanted war so we could change a heaven from a hell and we did it,we made it a TW and we finally got what we wanted.

but what about the second part?
it was almost an easy work to do and our dear MoD did it for us fast and as you see we have supply ON for the professional Pilots of our Airforce.

now time for the 3rd part? it seems so easy to but it come harder when you're a Country President,your alliance is in a huge war with a strong Alliance like Pacifica and everything is confidential. everytime that i decided to write an article for you i gave up after thinking how can i tell them to you. i couldn't tell them to you so i decided to keep them in my mind and heart to tell to you later.i'm so sorry because i promised something that i didn't know i can do or not and want you to excuse me for it.

but after we talked about here comes the forth part but not the last part: i promised to bring new citizens into eNetherlands and i'm glad to say that we tried to do it and we have 2 new citizens in eNetherlands
please welcome
we're still trying to bring new people into our Nice Country.

and as the last part of my article i say a big thank to my team who helped me in all of this works and you for helping us in wars and everytthing that i can't even remember and give my respect to our allies in ORION Aliiance and out of it. sorry that i dont mention any country because the list is too long and i'm too tired to write it and maybe i miss someone but you can find all those great heros if you check our recent battles.

nothing left to say,just a goodbye till the next article.

Flo rida20
Country President of eNetherlands
Day 3356 of the New World 16:51